Really important?? Need help! Kinda urgent.


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Jan 14, 2014

Lil G.

I'm going to start a workout project; do you think it'll work? Running on the tredmill 15-20 mins 5 times a week. Also with the 30 day abs. Thanks:) I'm trying to lose fat in my stomach for summer I want it to be flat.

Jan 14, 2014

Maria D.

Try kickboxing muchhhh better results

Jan 14, 2014

Ashley L.

I do different workouts,because they usually target different parts of the body in shaping,toning etc. do some research online and try different routines out to figure out what is helping and working the best for you.

Jan 14, 2014

Maria M.

You should definitely keep running 5 times a week, but don't only focus on your abs! Alternate between a day of killing your abs, then your legs/butt, your arms/back, and you'll have an evenly toned bikini body. Look up blogilates. She's wonderful and has free meal plans + workout calendars (there's one for beginners too!)

Jan 14, 2014

Claire R.

I do kickboxing at Next Level Gym. It's awesome, but it's also fun:)