Drakest Beauty Confessions


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Jan 14, 2014

M G.

What some of your darkest beauty confessions?
Me.... I sometime sleep w my makeup on, thinking ima still look fabulous in the morning. You end up lookn like crap

Jan 14, 2014

M G.


Jan 14, 2014

Maressa H.

I do the same thing. Then wake up with racoon eyes!

Jan 14, 2014

Stephanie S.

I've slept with my makeup on and my face looks super oily

Jan 14, 2014

Preeti P.

I splurge on cosmetics, I am never going to use.

Jan 14, 2014

Ileene M.

lol me too!

Jan 14, 2014

M G.

Preeti P. me too :/

Jan 14, 2014

Kitty K.

I fill in my eyebrows with a matte black. And not just any black, Urban Decays Matte black eyeshadow ( Which is realllly really black. ) But it looks a lot more natural than if I were to fill it in with brown.

Jan 14, 2014

Kitty K.

Brown shadow. ☺

Shhh don't tell anyone... people get really upset when I tell them LOL.

Jan 14, 2014

M G.

Kitty. I too use a black eyeshadow to fill my brows. I just find tht the browns look un natrual on me.

Jan 14, 2014

Alexis C.

I use black mascara for mine. People think my eyebrows are naturally like that.

Jan 14, 2014

Grace K.

Omg I fall asleep with my full face on too. My drunk self can pass out with eyelashes on and everything hahaha. My other confession is that I'm always sticking my eyelashes everywhere! Especially if I'm out or I'm coming home from a night of drinking hahaha. I shove them on the inside of my compact mirror, in the back of my phone case, everywhere. And I always forget they're there and find some random eyelashes like a month later  😭😭

Jan 14, 2014

M G.

Lol Grace thts hilarious!
Tamara I've never heard of tht. but smart. lol

Jan 14, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Kitty are you getting married in that pic?... I sleep with my makeup on, I can't have money cuz I will spend it right away even when I don't have a dime I try to get a hold of money to keep shopping ( I guess its called shopaholic  lol)

Jan 14, 2014

Heather B.

@kitty: I wouldn't change a thing your brows look fab! My confession is I also splurge on cosmetics and skin care items BIG TIME. Especially eyeshadow palettes oops!

Jan 14, 2014

Stephanie S.

@grace lol one time I left my eyelashes in my boyfriends cousins room and he found them like Wtf are these

Jan 14, 2014

Shelley W.

I like holding on to the packaging that my makeup/skincare products come in.

Jan 14, 2014

Sandy G.

^ Just like Shelley! If the packaging of anything I buy is really cute I like to keep it and put the product back in when I'm done.

Jan 14, 2014

Caitlin M.

I use a grey shadow from UD when I fill in my brows too haha. My hair is a very strange color and to me it always looks greyish. My brows are dark but not full on black or brown. Anything lighter always looks ridiculous on me. I about laughed myself to tears when I got a super light brown almost blonde brow pencil in my ipsy bag one month lol. I would have looked like a fool if I'd used it.

My confession is that I'm a lip balm FIEND. I have to always be looking for a new one to try, even though I've found several I really love that work. I also have no shame in dropping $20 on one tube of lip balm (That is your fault, Fresh!!) But even though I use them mostly, some days I don't use them at all and will have really chapped, peeling lips. I don't know what my problem is haha.

Jan 14, 2014

Natalie T.

I can definitely relate to Grace and Shelley!
When I go out for drinks, all makeup rules fly out the window... especially the lash thing! I used to wear falsies all the time and either me or my boyfriend would find them on the bathroom mirror, in my wallet, crumpled in our bar tab, ect. Though I occasionally fall asleep with some makeup on, I've definitely gotten a lot better in the past couple of years! =)
I also hoard packaging! I'm a sucker for buying anything with beautiful packaging for that reason alone. I am in the middle of moving in with my boyfriend so I've been throwing a lot of that stuff out while organizing during the moving process. Though I am moving into a much bigger apartment, I am totally downsizing since its not fair to make my boyfriend live with my collection of pretty boxes and containers, so I'm getting better at that too.

Jan 15, 2014

Grace K.

Omg I keep packaging tooooooo.

Jan 15, 2014

Erica F.

I... Use make up past the point of no return. If I've got it, and it can still use it, I will, regardless of how long I've had it. I'm also pretty bad about washing my brushes.

Jan 16, 2014

Lisa O.

Where does everyone store their products?

Jan 17, 2014

Raquel C.

Lol, I had to answer this because I just did something so bad recently I had to confess!! I had the same makeup on for 3 days!! (Shameful I know) I went to see my boyfriend out of town and ended up staying longer than anticipated and had no choice, but trust me when I tell you I am paying the price!!

Jan 17, 2014

Annie D.

I buy stuff I don't need it or use, it's like "play with it once, okay I'm done".

I also don't like washing my brushes daily so I invested in a brush spray sanitizer which I use whenever they get dirty enough. Another confession would be not dusting my mesh drawers where I store products, it truly gets dusty and I just can't open it unless I got rid if the dusty build up on the cases. :/