HELP I need a toner!


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Jan 12, 2014

Zaragoza S.

Here is my dilemma, my hair is ombre (not in this profile picture obviously). However, it is not as light as I would want it to be. It is a very brassy bright orangey color.

Here is what I've tried. I have used Wella Color Charm Toner in T18 however, I did not know that it targets yellow tones since it is a violet based toner. My hair has orange tones in it. I want it to be a pale ash blonde.

Which toner should I use? Since my hair is so dark naturally it is more prone to turn more red or orange. The next toner I wanted to buy was a T10 or T14 by Wella. Which would be the best to cancel out my orange hair and turn it a nice ash blonde. (ps: I will be pre-lightening my hair again before toning)

Also if someone could provide a Wella Color Charm Toner wheel that shows which numbers cancels out which hair colors I'd appreciate it. :)

Jan 12, 2014

Kitty K.

You should Ask Symone, she has a lot of expertise in that area so I'm sure she'll give you the best answer.

Jan 12, 2014

Megan S.

The t14 is blue based and the strongest for neutralizing out the orange! However it won't make it a pale blonde it will still be the same level of darkness, If you want it lighter you'll have to bleach it again, but if you just want to get rid of the orange then the t14 will be your friend!

Jan 12, 2014

Megan S.

I just read that you are lightening again, so I would first see how light you can it then determine which toner you need to cancel out the undertone you expose, because if its yellow the t14 would be too strong!

Jan 12, 2014

Gabs D.

Just bleach it again using a 20 vol
Then deep condition the shit out of it!(:

Here's a photo of my ombre and blonde framing my face
And once I got it to a pale yellow/platinum I used the shampoo and condition you can get at Sally's called Shimmer lights for blonde/grey
It's purple and so gnarly!

Jan 12, 2014

Zaragoza S.

Thanks Gabs but I want to get rid of my orangey hair.

Also, Megan I will probably go for T14 but I don't want it to cancel out the orange and leave me with light brown hair. I want it ash blonde. :(

Jan 12, 2014

Sable G.

You need a blue based toner BAD (think of the color wheel). Use Ivory Lady.

Jan 12, 2014

Sable G.

The purple shampoo is irrelevant until you tone with blue. Don't worry about a purple shampoo until you actually get right blond-a more pale banana color. -Don't- bleach your hair MORE, you'll just do unneccessary damage and pull more orange because your hair is naturally dark
. Just get the blue based toner doll.

Jan 12, 2014

Sable G.

Think about it- You're stripping your dark color and it's going orange and adding MORE bleach will just fry your hair. Rather than that you just tone it out and use a purple shampoo (and of course deep condition always after putting that much stress on your hair). If you keep stripping it your end's are going to be like spaghetti noodles and break everywhere. No bueno. :)

Jan 13, 2014

Zaragoza S.

@Sable well I heard that you MUST pre-lighten your hair before toning. I havn't relightened my hair in a half a month so I don't know if just throwing some toner on my orangey hair will work?? Will it?