Horrible Brows..


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Nov 5, 2012

Silke B.

Hi everyone,
I need some help with my brows! I can't get them in a perfect shape and the hairs are really curly. I've used razors, tweezers, wax and stencils to shape my brows and I always cut the hairs a bit shorter so the curling isn't that bad. But still I can't get them to look nice.
For makeup I use pencils and powder, and I keep them in shape with gel. Does any of you have tips for me?! (:

Thanks! xo

Nov 5, 2012

Stacey T.

Threading is a great way to get your brows shaped cheaply, quickly an professionally. It will also reduce the density of hair regrowth if you continue to get it done over time. Hope that helps in any way :-)

Nov 5, 2012

Silke B.

Thanks Stacey! I'm gonna try that out. ^-^

Nov 5, 2012

Keri T.

use eyebrow guides, pencil where the guide is then pluck the rest:)

I have crazy brows too! Getting them threaded definitely helps, but each hair has a mind of its own. I've given up on regular brow gel to keep them in place during the day, so I use MAC Oh Baby lip gloss. 

Nov 8, 2012

Leonie P.

The best thing someone ever told me about eyebrows that I tell my clients is "eyebrows are sisters not twins" : ) so basically you will rarely get them exactly the same! Just thought I'd share that cuz I know people always complain about it but its normal (hope u now have beautiful brows silke b)

I have a tutorial on how I keep my brows shaped and filled.. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND threading.. it is honestly so Much more effective than wax or tweezing.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkq0edHir18&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Nov 8, 2012

Keri T.

I had mine threaded and it didnt make a difference, except that they were bright red! might of not needed doing though

Nov 19, 2012

Deirdre T.

HD Brows, research it, it's fantastic

Nov 19, 2012

Bethany K.

Hd brows are fab.

Nov 19, 2012

Bethany K.

After trimming waxing plucking threading tinting and makeup

Nov 19, 2012

Bethany K.

Posted the wrong pic....same eyebrows but only half hour afterwards instead of 2 weeks

Dec 13, 2012

Silke B.

Thank you all so much! 

Dec 13, 2012

Chlo H.

I personally think threading is overrated :s I get the same results with wax, it's quicker and less painful!

I also think HD brows can be extortionately priced for what you actually get, and I'm sure without a doubt you will find people offering a treatment pretty much the same as HD brows but at a cheaper price

Dec 13, 2012

Chlo H.

And I COULD NOT AGREE MORE with the "eyebrows are sisters, not twins" comment I tell this to my friends all the time, I think the more you try and make your eyebrows look the same the more you make them look different 

Dec 13, 2012

Graefin C.

Maybe fixing them with some hairspray?!

Dec 13, 2012

Amy C.

I would never recommend using a razor on eyebrows. Maybe you should go see a professional to get the look you want and then you can maintain them with tweezing. Also, please remember that no two brows are the same. They will always look slightly different from each other.