Bad acne.. Any ideas?


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Jan 12, 2014

Hailey L.

I've had really bad acne since I was in 5th grade I'm now in 11th grade. It makes me feel so insecure.. Anyone have any ideas what to use? I've tired almost every face wash.. None seem to work.

Jan 12, 2014

Hailey L.

It's like that on the other side of my face too.

Jan 12, 2014

Paulina C.

There's only one cream that worked for me pretty well but they don't make it anymore clearasil over night they also have some good scrubs 4 hours and 12 hours creams! Try them I just saw them in target and I just got a new one I'm going to try it out I'll tell you if it works its clearasil as well!

Jan 12, 2014

Sarah L.

Grease lightening by lush is good for individual pimples!

Jan 12, 2014

Yasmine G.

I agree with Sarah, try something from lush. I went there about two months ago and I have very sensitive ance prone skin and the people there suggested using their Herbalism cleanser and I love it!
it's for those who have oily acne skin who've tried everything. I've noticed a big difference and I feel much better (:

Jan 12, 2014

Kitty K.

Oh wow. Looks what I used to have on the side of my face, just yours is more tame lol.

Jan 12, 2014

Lizzy W.

I know how you feel! I had acne for 3+ years. It felt like I had tried everything, and nothing worked. I was really discouraged and insecure. Hopefully these links will help you:

It looks like it's hormonal acne, in which case I suggest you see a dr. about prescription meds. It's the only thing that helped me! Some washes, like Cetaphil and Dermalogica Clean Start, helped imrpove my skin, but nothing could clear it completely.

Jan 12, 2014

Lisa S.

I would really try a clarisonic! It really helped my skin, yes its expensive but completely worth it. I also recommend using a toner (I like lush's) and also the grease lighting from lush. Also try doing mask, I love my Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask

Jan 12, 2014

Ceilidh F.

Check out Mela Nie's YouTube channel! She's got great tips on covering acne and scars!

Jan 12, 2014

Yolande P.

Maybe considering seeing a doctor,using loads off different products is going to make it worse.I suggest cetaphil cleanser (It is super gentle you can even use it on baby skin) then the moisturiser or coaca butter which has vitamin E so it fades scaring.The doctor will probably give you a pill to take daily and you will see results within months.Another thing is drinking plently of water,I know it sounds weird but it makes a huge difference.I also found out I was allergic to milk and the cow hormones in it broke me out.But don't go putting loads of product on your skin,be gentle and just consider seeing a doctor :)

Jan 12, 2014

Lisa S.

I would also try gettting on some birth control to help control your hormones, I know that has really helped me. I also mix a couple of drops of vitamin e oil with my CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion and it has really helped with acne scaring.

You are lovely no matter what Darling.:) I know the struggle of acne, I finally had Accutane in my mid twenties, and it really cleared things up for years. I've had some issues the last few, but not too badly. Accutane is basically high doses of vitamin A, but needs to watched by a doctor because there are side effects, the most important being that you cannot be pregnant. I wish I'd done it years before though! Now, I use lemon juice, just rub on, let sit for ten minutes before you wash your face in the morning. It will fade the dark spots too! Also, put a layer of honey on to sit while your reading, homework whatever, it's naturally antibiotic and plumps your skin with water while killing the yucks! :)

Jan 13, 2014

Hailey L.

Thank you girls :) and @Erica I've heard a lot about Accutane.. Some side effects sounds really scary.

Jan 13, 2014

Amy M.

I know I keep recommending OCM, but I have had such fantastic results (and have seen every one of my close girlfriends who I have shared it with have such great results), that I really feel the need to share!!

I wish I knew twenty years ago what I know now about our skins need for proper moisture and I reeeeealy wish I had understood that all oil is not the enemy.

Jan 13, 2014

Hailey L.

Thank you Amy! I will definitely look into OCM.

Jan 13, 2014

Lizzy W.

Hailey: Accutane was the only thing that ever worked for me. It's different for everyone, but I wrote about my whole experience & side effects here if you're interested:
It is considered to be a last resort because of the side effects, but if nothing else works for you, it's worth a shot. If it doesn't work for you, at least you know.