Purple Shampoo!?!!


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How was I just introduced to this?? I actually googled "how to get brassy tones out of blonde" and purple shampoo came up. Then I Youtubed it, and so many girls use it!! I used it once and it gave me such a huge difference in one wash. I used Joico - smells so good and works so well. Here's a before an after - it looks a LOT more drastic of a difference in person. So I am just passing along my new found knowledge! ( I know now that a lot of people already knew about this lol!)

And this is after!

Love it.

Jan 6, 2014

Allison W.

I have dark hair but I highlight in the spring and summer... Totally effective:)

Jan 6, 2014

Cole M.

That's one of the best secrets for blondes ") looks great")

Yes great for blondes & older ladies with gray hair. It looks good.

Jan 6, 2014

StacyAnn B.

Love my AG purple shampoo. Such good stuff!