Split Ends!!! Help!


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Nov 1, 2012

Amy C.

So, I bleached and dyed my hair blonde about two months ago and it obviously damaged my hair, I knew it would...but I have pretty long hair, want to keep growing it out but it feels like Barbie doll hair because it's so damaged and dry. I also want to dye my hair a brownish color, but not until its healthy. So, what are some ways I can fix my hair? I have a Sallys just down the street, so If you could mention products to get there. Thanks so much everyone! :)

Nov 1, 2012

Fiona J.

I would deep condition your hair everyday, so shampoo your hair, rinse, then put conditioner on and leave for about ten minutes, this should make your hair less damaged and dry, also stay away from heat and chemicals 

Nov 1, 2012

Emma A.

Avoid shampooing, you want the natural oils to get back into your hair. Putting a good deep conditioner on dry hair and leaving it over night works wonders. I've been every colour possible and bleached my hair a few times. Aussie 3 minute reconstructer is good or I currently use an intensive deep conditioner by Osis that I got from Sally's for less than £3, its really good and I have a lot left. 

Nov 1, 2012

Priya C.

Use splitender by redken. Blue bottle. Slightly pricey but lasts forever. 

Nov 1, 2012

Hailea M.

You can't fix split ends. Hair isn't alive in the first place. It's dead cells. Once you split them or damage them it's done. Trim every 3-5 weeks until all the damaged hair is cut off. I'm a cosmetologist so I deal with this all the time. And while your waiting for hair to get health again use it's a 10 miracle leave in conditioner with keratin. Blue bottle with orange cap. 

Nov 1, 2012

Amy C.

Thank you ladies. :) Im getting a cut this weekend. How long should I wait to color it? Thx agaim

Nov 1, 2012

Amy C.

*again. Sorry. Lol

Nov 1, 2012

Fiona J.

Wait until you feel its right to 

Nov 2, 2012

Hailea M.

I would wait a few months. Just to make sure your hair is super healthy and ready to take color. Make sure you deep condition the day before and after you color to reduce the amount of new damage 

Nov 5, 2012

Melissa T.

Use sulfate free products and tace care of your hair until it has recovered before you start coloring it again. Get a trim so that you can remove the split ends and deep condition once a week with pro naturals argan oil hair mask.

Nov 6, 2012

Mary P.

Dying it again would damage it even more. I say you leave it alone for awhile (3 months max) start deep conditioning it & grow it out.