Bald Spot? Cure?


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Jan 11, 2014

Me M.

I have a bald spot on my head n I'm sick of looking at it...what should I do to make it go away??

Jan 11, 2014

Kelly V.

Yeah, please see a doctor. a bald spot is not normal and could be alopecia or something worse.

Jan 11, 2014

Shelley W.

Is it centered at the crown or on the side of your head above the ear?

Jan 12, 2014

Patricia P.

I had the same problem and went to the dr she gave me a cream (not sure the name) and slowly my hair grew back. Don't ignore the issue go to your dr right away and make sure nothing else is wrong.

Jan 12, 2014

Me M.

Its the side of my head above my ears

Jan 13, 2014

Shelley W.

Definitely go to the doc just to be sure but my daughter had a similar experience when she was younger. It was long before I learned about various chemicals in hair products but she was using a shampoo loaded with sulfates and other nonsense not good for the hair/scalp. Since she scrubbed her scalp while shampooing her hair and it just so happened she experienced hair loss just above her ears on the side of her head. My mom made a connection and I got rid of the shampoo. After the switch her hair started growing back in. Another cause could be from tightly pulling your hair back in a ponytail on a consistent basis. But definitely see a doc to rule out any possible internal issues.