What is your Skincare routine?


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Jan 10, 2014

Honey B.

@Danny my goal in the end is to have clear & soft skin. I don't want any dark marks on my face and maybe too cleansing is what is causing my blemishes. I just want something simple and very effective. I want a product that will so everything I want. Also, I am using a skin serum. I am using the Elizabeth Arden Good Morning serum and though I like it because it makes my skin soft, it's not doing much for my dark marks or blemishes.

Jan 10, 2014

Honey B.

I have tried Cetaphil a few times and it just doesn't work for me

Jan 10, 2014

Honey B.

@Danny I am young so I think Elizabeth Arden is not age appropriate for me because most of their products is for anti-aging for older women.

Jan 10, 2014

Danny C.

Ok so clean and clear oil absorbing treatment (not the spot treatment) this can be applied to your whole face. its salicylic treatment perfect for acne. its an exfoliant so will help alittle w dark marks also philosophys dark spot corrector contains vitiamin c that excellent for treating dark marks. try cerave pm lotion its very hydrating but very light and not greasy. find urself a simple spf mosturiser w spf for the day and youl be set

Jan 10, 2014

Danny C.

Unfortunatey there is no one product that does it all. if you want to shorten the routine just go w the clean and clear then the cerave moisterizer. the philosophy is a nice addition though

Jan 10, 2014

Molly R.

Scoby!! Kambucha

Jan 10, 2014

Honey B.

@Danny thanks much!! So first I wash with my cleanser and then use a dark spot corrector and moisturize? No toner?

Jan 10, 2014

Honey B.

@Molly what is that?

Jan 10, 2014

Honey B.

Thanks to you guys so far. Very helpful so please keep it coming!!

Jan 10, 2014

Ty R.

I've been using a new cleanser. Love it. It's called First Aid Skin from Sephora. Then I tone with Clinique clarifying lotion, the purple one. Moisturize with Clinique dramatically different lotion. At night I use Clinique turnaround cream and Estée Lauder advanced eye cream. I want to try the moisturizer that goes with the new cleanser but I'm waiting to run out of my Clinique first. I use the Queen Helene mint julep mask one a week and Clinique seven day scrub once a week too.

Jan 10, 2014

Traci L.

You can wash with a cleanser then tone then use a serum then moisturiser with spf for daytime and do the same at night but use a night cream,the day serum can be a c serum or dark spot treatment the night serum can be a peptide or retinol,serum,but don't.bombard your skin with everything at once just start with one adding in one serum ,the you exfoliate twice a week and spot treat when you need to.

Jan 10, 2014

Honey B.

@Ty I will look into those products. I've heard about Clinique but wasn't sure.

Jan 10, 2014

Honey B.

@Traci what dark spot treatment do you recommend?

Jan 10, 2014

Traci L.

I recommend a stabilized form of vitamin C serum isomers makes a good one ,if you want drugstore one garnier dark spots corrector it has vitamin C in it.

Jan 10, 2014

Danny C.

Yes wash first then use your exfoliant, that would be the clean and clear. then you would use tthe dark spot corrector or serum then moisturize. like Traci said don't use everything all at once intro all slowly. I think you would be fine skipping the toner to simplify things

Jan 10, 2014

Danny C.

Don't jump in using that clean and cleat everyday. you need to see how your skin reacts to it using it a couple times a week may be all you need.

Jan 10, 2014

Mary T.

I cleanse with purity by philosophy if I have on heavy makeup. Then use Peter Thomas Roth anti aging or ole henrikson red tea foam with my clarisonic. Then Mario Badescu aloe lotion for my toner. If I miss my toner is screws it all up with breakouts. Then I alternate serums or retinol at night and serum and SPF during the day. Then seal it all in with moisturizers and eye cream. And of corse spot treat as needed. @ honey b I think you should cut out one of the cleansers for a toner. And just alternate your cleansers. Everyone with acne should use toner IMO. Basics I learned in cosmetology school. Always cleanse, tone moisturize 😋

Jan 11, 2014

Tanya A.

At night I remove my makeup with Boscia Cool Cleansing Oil, then every other night I use the Garnier Blackhead Eliminating Scrub, then tone with Loreal Hydrafresh toner, then spot treatment with Murad Acne Spot Treatment. Then I apply Lumene Pure Radiance Drops, and under eyes I use Dr Weil for Origins dark circle minimizer. To top it all off I pat a face oil on...I have been switching between Nude ProGenius treatment oil and Ole Henriksen pure truth youth activating oil. I'm trying the whole facial oil thing out! I'm liking it so far'

Jan 13, 2014

Molly R.

@ Honey B. look up kumbucha! It is a bacterial mushroom that you put on your face and it is a miracle!