How to prevent hair loss?


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Jan 7, 2014

Milana I.

Hello everybody.
Recently, my hair started to fall out enormously. I don't use curling irons and I don't even use hairdryer. I have never colored my hair, and I don't know how to stop my hair to fall out. I tried everything! Tons of different masks, beer, pills, vitamins and nothing helps. Do you have any good tips? 😊

Jan 7, 2014

Ivette H.

I had the same problem. Try Biotera long and healthy. You can get it from Sallys Beauty Supply. This product has really helped me. I also do a coconut oil hair mask once a week. Good luck.

Jan 7, 2014

Milana I.

Thank you Ivette. I'll try 😊

Jan 7, 2014

ramie x.

Aloe Vera shampoos and conditioners.

Jan 7, 2014

Sabrina F.

Go on youtude and type in diy protein hair masks.

Jan 7, 2014

Daine R.

Try just wearing you hair up less because the constant pulling could be causing some of the hair loss.

Jan 7, 2014

Anneliese B.

I agree with Daine about wearing your hair up less. Also this could be a sight of Alopecia I would check with your docter.