Hair Loss , Help please?!


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Jan 7, 2014

Kimberly E.

Lately I've noticed that my hair has been falling out so much. Just yesterday in the shower I noticed so much hair loss. I don't blow dry or straighten my hair its about to be a year since I've stopped. The last time I cut my
hair was around late October. Maybe its my shampoo but I don't know. Any shampoos and conditioners you guys recommend or any hair treatments? btw my hair is pretty thick but gets thinner as it gets longer.

Jan 7, 2014

Hannah K.

This is a new occurrence? Have you changed anything about your diet or hair care routine lately?

Jan 7, 2014

Hannah K.

I don't know why, but "like animals that change their fur" made me laugh :) anyway, the thing is that this might just honestly be a normal phase in your hair growth. Hair grows in 3 phases, the one we care about right now is the third, the Telogen stage. This stage is the part of the cycle during which your hair is dormant. It is not growing. Once the phase has ended, and the first phase (the Anagen phase, the part of the cycle during which your hair actually grows) starts up again, pushing the detached follicles from your head, thereby causing shedding :)

Jan 7, 2014

Kimberly E.

@hannah W. actually no, I've noticed this for a while which is why I stopped straightening my hair but it was as how it is now. I'm thinking maybe I need to cut my hair again because I am getting my hair tangled but its very strange that its falling off a lot. plus I was using coconut oil but I stopped because I thought it was the coconut oil damaging my hair. Nope , nothing has changed. I mostly have my hair up sincr at night I can't sleep if its all over the place or when I'm at home its usually in a pony tail.

Jan 7, 2014

Hannah K.

Well the other possible explanation is that your hair entered the Telogen phase too early, which is what causes excess hair loss and shedding (more than usual, for most people their hair sheds at least a little bit all the time). The Telogen phase typically lasts for 2-4 months, and if it started early the shedding wouldn't be identifiable as anything other than normal shedding for a long time. So I think that's what's happening to your hair.

Jan 7, 2014

Hannah K.

^whoa, my English. What that last sentence should say is "if the Telogen phase started too early, the excess shedding wouldn't be identifiable as "too much" until a significant amount of hair loss has occurred. Supposedly, somewhere around 50% of your hair will have shed before you notice the problem."

Jan 8, 2014

Brooke L.

Use a hair thickening shampoo. It'll add more strands to your hair n help a lot.