Your opinion on: Dress Sense & Trashiness.


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Jun 20, 2014

Katherine L.

I know this is a sensitive topic, but I really want everyone's opinion.

Do you think a lady's style impacts her reputation? Does how she dress represent her purity? If not, why are people judging females according to how they dress?

Personally, I think nobody should call anybody trashy. If they are, let them be trashy! If they like to be a "slut", let them do what they enjoy. Also, we're always focusing on how it should be okay if women wanted to show more skin. I think it is okay if they want to cover it up, its their choice. So basically I don't care if somebody's dress sense or style is on the showy side, if cleavage makes you confident, enjoy your ego boost! :)

Jun 20, 2014

Leslie N.

I think women, not exactly. It really depends on how it looks. Some shirts don't mean to look as bad as they occur. I have many shirts that I adore but I don't like to wear because my boobs pop out to much and people get all judgmental. I wear really comfy yoga pants cause I'm too lazy to wear jeans and girls think I'm trying to show off my butt just cause it's a little but bigger than there's. I also believe it depends on age. If you dress a certain way at age 11, well something has to be off. Girls are rushing to wear certain things because everyone else is. They are growing up too fast.
Well I'm changing topics now but I guess my opinion is extremely double sided. Everyone has different circumstances

Jun 20, 2014

Cassidy R.

I think it depends on the person who's looking at another. Some people look at a person and their style and assume about their reputation. I don't personally, I like to think I'm pretty non-judgemental and I really don't care what others wear. If you want to go out half naked, more power to you! I can only wish I had that kind of confidence. Half the time I look like a bum and my clothes are too big and I'm veryyy modest and a lot of people look at me and assume I'm not smart and that I'm mean for some reason, I guess I just have tha sort of look maybe? But in reality I'm too nice for my own good and I'm an honor student. In my eyes clothes can't represent someones purity! Just because you don't wear all white doesn't mean you arent a virgin. People judge women according to what they wear because society tells people what is acceptable and really it has been built up to where there is no acceptance. If your clothes are tight: "oh wow, buy a bigger size" if their loose: "that does nothing for you, wear something smaller" if you show skin: "you are such a slut" if you don't: "why do you hide?" It's truly ridiculous how people view things! The root of it all is society. Television, magazines, it all contributes. On movies if someone is supposed to be a "slut" the character almost always dresses in a way that shows a lot of skin.

Jun 20, 2014

Kitty K.

I personally believe Style has it's time & place.

Jun 20, 2014

Cassidy R.

Sorry for my essay I just get on a roll sometimes and can't stop :/

Jun 20, 2014

Cassidy R.

They're not their sorry*

Jun 20, 2014

Andreina C.

I agree with Janelle. You should wear certain clothes for the appropriate place and time. I wouldnt wear my pj's to school or a mini dress to work. Although people's reputations are judged by their clothes, I don't feel like it should be. At my school, people rank and judge others by their clothes. If a girl isnt wearing clothes that are "in" they consider them "unpopular", but if they go too over the top and wear a mini skirt and a bandau or however you spell it, to school, then boys take advantage because they see that they're open. And since they are, they get a lot of attention and are considered "popular". I wish people wouldnt judge others by their clothing, but they do. That's just how society is.

Jun 20, 2014

Emma Y.

I think people should be able to wear whatever they want if it makes them happy/ but I don't think people should go out in practically nothing- and people should wear appropriate clothes for whatever they are doing- I honestly couldn't care less if people wore a crop top and mini shorts, just not to church or a kids party.

Jun 20, 2014

Bella M.

I think Style does have an impact on our reputation. It's in how we represent ourselves. I mean if you saw a woman in a collard shirt and some dress pants you could tell she's in profession clothing and seems to take her job seriously, therefore automatically giving her some sort of reputation. So if you dress trashy then thats what people will think you are trashy, when, maybe your really not. I wouldn't necessarily judge people for observation. Do I think it's wrong to show skin. No, but I think there is a time for sexy and time for no sexy. I personally think people that do expose a lot is not for them but for some one else. You should dress for you and not for someone else. You should be proud of your body and flaunt it. And you should do it for YOU.

Jun 20, 2014

Anna J.

Totally agree with Bella M.

Jun 20, 2014

Evangeline S.

Agree with Bella M.!

Jun 20, 2014

Carissa R.

I have to agree with Bella (:
Recently, I made a poem about style and fashion. It kind of answers the question about style? If you are interested, you can take a look?

Jun 20, 2014

Hannah K.

To some extent, yes. But some people are extremely shallow minded in what others can and can't wear, in which deems people a 'slut'. Recently, I was out with my boyfriend and I got yelled 'slag' at me from a car of people I didnt know. I was wearing a cami top and a pair of not overly short shorts. Bear in mind it was 25C (77F). The thing is, the words 'slut' and 'slag' are now massively overused. Both words mean to have many sexual partners, yet these words are now used to describe how someone dresses. If someone wears booty shorts and a crop top, she'll be instantly deemed a slag. Why? Because she's showing skin. What happens if it's 30C (82F)? Doesn't matter.
People seem to think it okay when others walk around a beach and surrounding areas in a bikini and shorts, but the minute someone walks around a town area in a crop top and shorts, all hell breaks loose.
I believe many people judge females because we are seen as an easier target. The 'easy' gender. However, people generalise in this, which leads to the wars of feminism and suchlike.
I think what you wear should also be age related too. If you were 10 years old in heels, booty shorts and a crop top (which I have seen before) walking around town, then there could be a problem. But if they're 17 and in the same, why does it matter? They're 17, they are more in control of their own thought process than a 10 year old is.
I think it's wrong to call someone a slag or a slut based on how they dress. I also don't like people being instantly judged on what they wear. But in this world, it happens. You can step out the door and someone somewhere whether you know them or not will judge you. You can be 16 or 60, it'll happen.
You only get one shot at living, so you might as well get on with it, wear what you want and don't care what people say about you because lifes too short to be spent it getting upset or angry because someone doesn't like what you what you wear. Be the beautiful, unique individual you were born to be.

Jun 20, 2014

Ana P.

To me, the way you show to the world and give an idea of your personality depends of your personal style, even when we say that you can't judge a book by its cover 2/3 of the time you can actually figure out someone's personality by their dress code.
you can tell if someone's a mom, a bank officer, a fashion lover, shy, extrovert, and even if they're "trashy".
however, being trashy to me, defines a woman that shows a lot of skin but also its not very polished with her appearance and also has no manners.
maybe I'm wrong and maybe I'm judging people but to me your personal style matters a lot. (sorry if I made any grammar mistake)