Hair Cut Or Layers??


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Jun 20, 2014

Alexandra C.

I don't wanna cut a lot of my hair off but I want something different. what will layers do??

Jun 20, 2014

Alexandra C.

my hair

Jun 20, 2014

Bea S.

DONT DO LAYERS!! You may love them to begin with, but they become a right pain in the neck, as you can't do any pleats without hair falling out of it, and buns are often out of bounds too. Layers are supposed to add bounce and movement to your hair, but your hair looks lovely as it is. how about dip dye?

Jun 20, 2014

Dawn A.

I have layers and I'd advise you not to get layers because your hair is curly (and beautiful btw) and as Bea said layers add bounce and movement to the hair. Your hair is already curly so you already have some natural bounce and movement (so you're lucky:)). I love the length of your hair as is so maybe change up the color? Maybe some highlights:)

Jun 20, 2014

Maressa H.

No layers! It really doesn't look right on really curly hair. Maybe you could get it thinned?

Jun 20, 2014

Alexandra C.

Thanks guys and I can't dye my hair.

Jun 20, 2014

Carol D.

I perfer no layers

Jun 20, 2014

Alexandra C.

why no layer??

Jun 20, 2014

Adaria S.

Keep it the same! Curly hair and layers can be annoying.

Jun 22, 2014

Morgan A.

Not layers I have layers I loved them at first but now they are annoying and make it harder to to some of my fav hairstyles