Best way to get rid of a canker sore?


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Jun 19, 2014

Alexandra D.

What's the best way to get rid of one?!

Jun 19, 2014

katie s.

I get these ALL THE TIME!! Tbh, it's nearly impossible to get rid of them completely. But to numb mine I use this medicine stuff and I forgot what it's called. Ill tell you when I find out! Which will prolly be tomorrow!!

Jun 19, 2014

Andreina C.

My mom always told me to put salt on mine. And it hurts and burns like a b**** but it goes away in like a day if I do it like 3 times that day. Get a lot of salt and press it. And keep pressing. Or, the safest way I think is getting Listerine or any Mouth Wash and aiming it to the area of the canker sore. I actually don't know if I'm supposed to put salt on it. Like I don't know if that's healthy, but I do it when I feel tough enough and it works. I usually do the mouthwash though. Do it everytime after you brush your teeth and after every meal. Or you could just wait and it'll go away on it's own.

Jun 19, 2014

Andreina C.

And brush and floss good! Canker sores are bacteria. So keep your mouth clean and you should floss and brush when you wake up, after every meal, and before bed.
Gosh, I feel like a dentist, but it's very important. If you do do that, then make sure you're brushing welling.

Jun 19, 2014

Andreina C.
