Hiding a black eye?!


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Jun 19, 2014

Shaye M.

So being my clumsy self I've just smashed my head on the corner of a pointy table in my eyebrow/temple area and it's already starting to look like I'll have a black eye tomorrow but the worst part is my birthday is in two days.. How do I cover it without looking splotchy? Would a smokey eye help or make it worse? Depending on how large it is tomorrow! Thanks girls! I feel like a doofus lol!

Jun 19, 2014

Shaye M.

Thanks girls! I think I freaked out more cause I didn't know if it was split or if I gave myself a concussion but I seem okay now it's just bruising up 😢 haha.

Jun 19, 2014

Ayana H.

Ouch! Um, maybe you can neutralize the purplish/blue color with orange lipstick and then cover with concealer etc? I know that sounds really weird, but it's just an idea since I remember seeing a few videos on how to cover intense undereye circles and tattoos. But yeah, YouTube would help a lot more than me, haha. 😅

Jun 19, 2014

Ayana H.

Sorry not lipstick, the video I watched with Jessica Harlow on YouTube used Maybelline's color tattoo cream eyeshadow I believe, and it was orange. However I have an unused orange lipstick I use for under my eyes... Ha yeah that's probably weird.

Jun 19, 2014

Shaye M.

Hahah aw thank you I'll give it a go! This is what it looks like and it's only been there for like an hour so I'm guessing tomorrow it'll be pretty bad haha (scuse my no foundation face lol)

Jun 19, 2014

Shaye M.

Thanks girls will be going crazy with concealer lol!

Jun 19, 2014

Megan F.

I would use a color corrector to even out the tone and out concealer on top. Depending on how it looks after that... If it still looks pretty dark, you could try a smoky eye. Good luck!

Jun 19, 2014

Shaye M.

Thanks Sandra :3

Jun 19, 2014

Maggie F.

I had bruising that I covered with Dermablend concealer (available at Ulta) and I was really impressed with how much it covered!!

Jun 19, 2014

Tina K.

I would use color correctors and then concealer over it. Several thin layers to build it up and you might need different colors for correctors depending on how the bruise develops.

I've heard good things about Dermablend and I've my IT Bye Bye to try (but haven't gone anywhere to use it yet.) Feel better and in case I forget...

Jun 20, 2014

Shelley W.

Ouch!! I must agree Dermablend is the way to go. If it can cover up my tat on my tummy it can cover up a bruise. Happy Birthday beautiful!!

Jun 20, 2014

Shaye M.

Aw thank you ladies so much! It's actually tomorrow but so cute that you guys would say that haha ☺️ my eye is worse today but nothing a dark smokey eye or something won't fix hopefully hahah. You girls are the best 💕