Helpful Hints!?


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Dec 14, 2012

Bree W.

wats the best trick when applying mascara that you don't get extra on the upper eye lid...i always tend to do this and it looks sloppy... i herd it was better to apply mascara after eye shadow so your mascara keeps its color not the opp so the shadow falls on your already done lashes

Dec 14, 2012

Charlotte A.

Applying mascara is the very last thing I do personally. I had someone tell me to use a credit card or something sturdy to put behind your eyelashes when applying I haven't tried it but I guess it's worth a try :)

Dec 15, 2012

Hayley P.

Just fold a piece of toilet paper up and hold it lightly against your eye lid! Or, if you do get some on your lid, wait for it to dry and use a DRY q-tip to remove it! It'll flake right off

Dec 15, 2012

Hailey jo K.

Elf makes a shield for that now :)

Dec 15, 2012

Dana K.

What I do, because a personally don't like using the shields, is if I do get mascara on my lid I wait for it to completely dry. Then just wipe it away with a q-tip. It works every time, doesn't smear, doesn't smudge, and doesn't ruin my eyeshadow. I hope this helped. :)