What should I wear?


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Jun 21, 2014

Leah A.

I'm going to Canada's wonder land tomorrow (it am amusement park) and I don't know what to wear and how my makup should be. Pics would be helpful :p thanks girlies loveyou <3.

Jun 21, 2014

Leah A.

And my hair lol.

Jun 21, 2014

Leah A.

It's an amusement park*

Jun 21, 2014

Shawna L.

That's the one in Vaughan Ontario right?
For hair I'd go with a simple braid that way if it gets messy it still looks good or a high pony tail.

Jun 21, 2014

Shawna L.


Jun 21, 2014

Shawna L.

Or a braid with a bun.

Jun 21, 2014

Leah A.

Thanks! And I think so yeah haha

Jun 21, 2014

Shawna L.

As for outfits no skirts, dresses or flowys shorts and no sandals or flats or shoes that can fall of on rides. Normally I won't bring a purse just because I don't want it stolen or lost but if you need to bring a cross body that completely zips so nothing comes out. For makeup keep it natural you don't want you face to melt off. Sunscreen BB cream powder waterproof mascara and lip balm are my go-to amusement parks staples.

Jun 21, 2014

Shawna L.

simple and cute

Jun 21, 2014

Shawna L.

If its too warm ditch the jean jacket^^

Jun 21, 2014

Shawna L.

Or a tee shirt with denim jean shorts and sneakers.

Jun 21, 2014

Shawna L.

This would look great with sneakers.

Jun 21, 2014

Shawna L.

I was talking about jeans and a tee look good with sneakers lol ^^

Jun 21, 2014

Shawna L.


Jun 21, 2014

Shawna L.

or this.

Jun 21, 2014

Leah A.

Thanks <33

Jun 21, 2014

Shawna L.

Or this. I hope I gave you some good ideas! Have fun its a blast their!