How To Get Rid Of Acne!


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Jul 8, 2014

K M.

Remedies, tips, and tricks to get rid of acne and prevent acne?

Jul 8, 2014

Cat B.

Dermatologist can tell you just what you need for YOUR skin :-)

Jul 8, 2014

Alma M.

Hello KM your thread was moved to the correct category which is SKINCARE not Beauty please keep in mind when making threads to please post in the correct category or they're subject for deletion and repeat offenders can have their account deleted also.Thank you :)
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Jul 8, 2014

K M.

I've had it for a few years now... Has gotten really bad recently. I haven't tried a lot of remedies or products really, some acne treatment products but not consistently.

Jul 8, 2014

Maggie S.

Here's my routine, I've been using it for like 6 weeks and I'm almost 100% acne free. I have Normal-Oily skin, and had frequent breakouts on chin,nose,and forehead. I also had milia on chin and forehead.
(Morning and night are the same except in the morning I apply sunscreen.)
1. Panoxyl's 4% Benzoyl Perioxide creamy wash.
2. Kate Sommerville toner
3. Generic Clindamycin (perscription only, but on my skin, works like magic.)
4. Skin Ceuticals vitamin C serum.
5. Aveeno clear complexions moisturizer
That's it! A few times a week I do Ole Henrikson's lemon flash peel, Origin's activated charcoal mask, or Queen Helene's Mint Julep mask. Hope I helped :).

Jul 9, 2014

Shannon B.

See a dermatologist!! Very important since everyone's skin is not the same. What works for one person may not work for you. Each person is different. So we cannot tell you what you have to do since we do not know what is causing your acne. A dermatologist can though.