Eyebrow Waxing For The First Time.


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Jun 16, 2014

Alice A.

I'm getting my eyebrows waxed on wednesday morning for the first time what can I expect and how long will it take for the redness to go down?

Jun 16, 2014

Mhairi M.

It's over in a flash and not very painful at all. If you have normal skin as in not too sensitive the redness should go down after a coupla hrs, good luck!

Jun 16, 2014

Sanjana N.

After waxing massage the area with ice cubes.. redness will not stay for longer... if in case your skin is very sensitive it may last for a day...

Jun 16, 2014

Cece H.

It may hurt considering this is your first time. But don't worry it gets easier I don't even feel it anymore. A wet cold cloth will help sooth the area. Make sure you moisturize preferbky one that has aloe in it x

Jun 16, 2014

Alice A.

Thank you I was worried it was going to take a few days and I have prom on friday :p red eyebrows would not look that great on photos

Jun 16, 2014

Alyx T.

It really depends on your skin. I've been getting my eyebrows waxed every 3-6 weeks or so for about 5 years now. My skin isn't used to it and gets just as red as the first time I got it done. It doesn't hurt much now. But it doesn't hurt that much anyways. Like Olivia said I usually get teary when they do the inner area under the brow, but it's mostly from the bright light rather than pain. It's a very quick, rip off the bandaid motion. For my skin, it gets red for a day or two and is swollen for a good 5-6 hours. I have really sensitive skin though. Aloe can help but make sure you wash your face well before you sleep, aloe breaks some people out if not washed off properly.

Jun 16, 2014

Payton J.

I had my eye brows done a couple months ago and it hurt a little, but not too much. Just remember to use Aloe Vera after on the red marks to help make them hurt less. Good luck😊

Jun 16, 2014

Allie S.

The first time you get it it's going to hurt a little bit. The underneath is the worst part after that you don't even feel the middle or the top. I am actually allergic to the wax which does happen to a lot of people. I get hives and a lot of redness after I am done. I started going to a new eyebrow person and she told me to calm down the redness you put milk on them. It sounds very strange but it works!! It soothes the redness. I just take a small cup fill it with milk and then take a paper towel and dip it on then press it onto my eyebrows for a couple seconds. I repeat this a couple times and it works great. Good luck and you will be fine!!

Jun 16, 2014

Maggie D.

Really it just feels like a band aid being ripped off really quickly and usually doesn't hurt afterwards. I have really sensitive skin and when I got It don't the people told me it could last for up to a day, but I had a chorus concert in 3 hrs.. I looked up how to get the redness down and ice cubes worked the best.

Jun 16, 2014

Macy P.

I would recomend you to put aloe vera on to make the redness go down even quicker:) it's not so bad, you get used to it.