What is co washing??


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Jun 18, 2014

Qwaserght T.

Is it when you wash your hair with conditioner?? Do you put it by your scalp?? Does it make hair greasy?? How often should you do it??

Jun 18, 2014

Brianna C.

You are only suppose to put conditioner on your tips. Putting it on your scalp will make your hair fall.

Jun 18, 2014

Kathryn L.

It also makes it greasy

Jun 18, 2014

Kat A.

It's when you use conditioner. you're supposed to still use shampoo like once a week because just using conditioner will cause build up. co washing isn't for everyone, though. it's mostly recommended for people with curly hair because they're hair is usually drier than those with straight hair.

Jun 18, 2014

Kat A.

Just for reference, I used to do that (didn't even know it at the time lol) but it caused my hair to get greasy faster & I had a lot of build up. my hair is curly, in case you wanted to know :)

Jun 18, 2014

Alyssa I.

Co-washing wouldn't be good for your hair type. Like Kat said it is intended for girls with curly hair or African-American females who are transitioning from relaxed hair to natural hair

Jun 18, 2014

Qwaserght T.

I see
Thanks everyone

Jun 18, 2014

Isabel M.

Brianna, and Kathryn, you are both incorrect. You use the conditioner as if you would use a shampoo , to cleanse the scalp as well as the hair shaft... I personally think it can work for any hair types, because mine is curly and "African American, " but it's fine , and really thick, I know that sounds... Contradictory almost but it's true. This is the true definition of co washing! I can link some websites that can give you more Info for co washing!

Jun 18, 2014

Isabel M.

Here are more sites for info! It's very possible that co washing is BETTER for curly hair, but that doesn't mean that it can't work for other hair types as well! You never know until you try!
More info:





4.specifically for Caucasian hair,


5. Specifically for Caucasian hair!


You can also search how to co-wash (insert hair type here!) good luck!