How Can I Get My Eyeshadow Like This?


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Jun 15, 2014

Kate H.

I would suggest getting a sigma blending brush and also using a primer so that it lasts throughout the day.

Jun 15, 2014

Cece H.

A primer will DEFINATELY help and make sure that you are using pigmented eyeshadows. If you want a stronger look try using a cream colour base such as the mac paint pots. I agree a good quality blending brush is also going to really help you x

Jun 15, 2014

Lisa S.

What eyeshadows are you using now? Or have used?

Jun 15, 2014

Allie F.

I agree with using primer and making your you have a good blending brush. Or you can just use your fingers which works for me...;)

Jun 16, 2014

Nicole C.

I wouldn't suggest using your fingers for this need brushes to get into the crease and outer v. I would say use like a skin time eyeshadow all over the lid, then use a dark brown in the crease and highlight our inner corner with a shimmery white. Use a primer though, it helps keep the shadow on all day.

Jun 16, 2014

Courtney O.

Apply a primer always! Watch Chrisspy's video on YouTube called "cut crease and bright lips". It really makes this eyeshadow style seem quite easy! And when you are blending, try holding the brush straight forward to your face or angling down at your face.. Not angling up. It really makes a difference :)