DIY bb cream


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Jul 11, 2014

Tea L.

How can I make my own bb cream?

Jul 11, 2014

Dalasta A.

Ummm I think moisture cream+foundie=bb cream :D.

Jul 11, 2014

Rissa G.

Yeah ^ just your foundation and moisturizer

Jul 11, 2014

Rissa G.

Mix your *

Jul 11, 2014

Tea L.

thaanks :)

Jul 13, 2014

Maggie C.

Materials : container or jar, moisturizer, sunscreen, foundation, primer (optional), and a mixing stick. Pump about 5-10 squirts of moisturizer into your container (you can add more or less depending on how moisturizing you want your bb cream to be). Bb creams usually have sunscreen protection in them, so squirt a little bit of your favorite sunscreen into the container. Add in some foundation (this will give your bb cream its coƖor. Because you are mixing it with moisturizer and sunscreen, which are white, it's okay if the foundɑtion is a little dark for you. How much foundation you add in will determine color, coverage, and how much bb cream you make). With your stick, stir everything together. Add more moisturizer/sunscreen or more foundation if the color is too dark or light. Stir everything one final time and enjoy your new bb cream! How to use: dot the bb cream evenly over your face. Blend in the product using a brush, makeup sponge, or your fingers to moisturize, protect, and add a little coverage.