Last Minute Crisis


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Jul 11, 2014

Avery S.

So, I'm going to this church thing in Oklahoma this sunday-friday and I still havent packed bc idek what to pack. & its a bunch of basically high school kids from all across america. what kinds of stuff should I pack and wear?

Jul 11, 2014

Diana C.

I recently went to a church trip with a ton o high school kids as well. What I packed were my shower things and t-shirts and sport shorts for the whole week and just powder,eyeliner, and mascara and maybe hair stuff I you have time to do your hair!

Jul 11, 2014

Avery S.

Thanks. I just didnt know whether or not to dress casual or nicer.

Jul 11, 2014

Destiny R.

I would do exactly what Diana suggested and maybe include some jeans just in case and one nice shirt in case you need it. Doesn't hurt to be prepared! Have fun!

Jul 11, 2014

Laura V.

Dito to Diana and Destiny! But would include a sweatshirt and a dress!

Jul 11, 2014

Avery S.

thanks Destiny!

Jul 11, 2014

Avery S.

ok! thanks Laura