I finally feel old :-(


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Jul 15, 2014

Janette B.

I turned 30 last year. An age where some of us who've crossed the threshold (or on the brink of) start to feel old. Goodbye fun loving 20's! On my 30th, nothing changed, I didn't feel OLD or any different. This morning however, as I was getting ready for work, I noticed my 1st gray hair! Reality set in, tear in my eye, now I feel old!

Any of you ladies relate? When was the 1st moment you felt old (er)?

Jul 15, 2014

Nikelle B.

I'm 37 and I enjoyed turning 30. I haven't felt old yet. It's all in your mentality and how you feel. like they say you're as old as you feel. so I'm about 25 right now lol
gray hair definitely doesn't mean you're old. There are 20 year olds with it.

don't feel old! just continue to have fun and enjoying everything that you always have!!

Jul 15, 2014

Gypsy S.

Awe doll, can't let a gray hair get ya down,.Honestly I'm having way more fun being in my 30s compared to when I was in my 20s. I'm 32 and livin it up love. Embrace it cuz at least we made it this far, unfortunately so many others aren't as lucky. Get dolled up, go out with your friends and have a hell of a time out. You'll feel better😉💋👍

Jul 15, 2014

Kelly V.

Its just a number! I found my first gray right before my 30th. then got heartburn for the first time a week after I turned 30, hahaha I was convinced that 30 would be the death of me. I think now, the only time I really feel my age is when I drink. good lord I can't ddrink like these young kids anymore! and hangovers...they kill me!

Jul 15, 2014

Reem M.

You are not old lovely lady! just enjoy yourself no matter how old you are... I'm 33 And believe it or not I feel much younger than my 20's.. just forget about that grey hair and don't let it get you :*

Jul 15, 2014

Gypsy S.

Lol Kelly!!

Jul 15, 2014

Lindsey S.

I'm 30 and I enjoy it! Its life.

Jul 15, 2014

Aru T.

Ha ha Janette, I can understand :) I am turning 30 next Jan, single and no family here to visit once in a while, traveling job so kind of very limited social life! and all I see in facebook & other social media are my frnds marriage, baby, house etc.photos!! lol... that makes me feel and unaccomplished!! but then again, I completed my masters, I have came here Alone from a small state in india, established myself on my own...and have traveled to 15 US states in 3 years...so...I guess getting old is suiting me!! and am with Kelly! health is what concerned me a bit about getting old...less alcohol, have felt severe back pain for the first time in life he he...for now I am enjoying my independent life to the fullest, who knows what will happen next :) :)

Jul 15, 2014

Aru T.

*make me feel old and unaccomplished.

Jul 15, 2014

Sabrina K.

I'm turning 27 in about a month, and I guess I never really feel old, but over the last couple of months I have several times looked in the mirror and gotten surprised about how growen up I look, like not old but I kind of lost my teen/young adult looks... I don't know when that happened haha!

Jul 15, 2014

Tonita C.

I've had grey hair since 9...my children (12,2) have it as well lol...I don't feel old and never will. It's a blessing because some people won't make it past birth...!

Jul 15, 2014

Jackie S.

Sabrina, I agree with you. I'll be 27 in January and I look in the mirror thinking "how the heck did the time fly by so quickly?!"

Jul 15, 2014

Erica K.

I started graying in high school... It's better than balding :-)

Jul 15, 2014

Rissa G.

Wow Tonita you look so young to be a mama to a 12 year old!!

Jul 15, 2014

Shelley W.

I'm a happy 40 year old and I love my gray hairs. I call them wisdom points. The older I get the more I gain in wisdom. 30 is not old and you should embrace it. Age is nothing but a number and you're only aging yourself by putting yourself down over it. Enjoy your 30's and have fun.

Jul 15, 2014

Jill K.

I get those little gray suckers here and there and I won't be 30 until next month. I think I've been getting little grays fur a year now, so don't feel bad!

Jul 15, 2014

Noel x.

You are only as old as you feel. enjoy life its too short.

Jul 15, 2014

Alma M.

I get greys here and there, to be honest I kind like them gives me that super Hero vibe lol I understand Kelly about the drinking part, before I would be fine the next day but now ugh it takes 2 days to recover and I feel like Ozzy Osborne just mumbling words.I pretty much still think I'm young with a kick.The only time I feel old is when my daughter said mom how do you know who green day is? Then I told her and she said gez their old,ya and another thing don't try to dance battle with my daughter anymore yup the running man can only get you so far. :-) There comes a point where its no longer legit and you must be legit to quit. Hammer time no longer.

Jul 15, 2014

Sabrina K.

Haha Alma!!

Jul 15, 2014

Alma M.

Lol I don't have skills anymore.

Jul 15, 2014

Sabrina K.

I bet you have way cooler skills now ;)

Jul 15, 2014

Amy S.

30 was tuff, 35 was surreal... but now, at 37, I look damn good... you get over it is what I'm trying to say...

Yeah my body is falling south, and I can't eat pizza and fried food... but I enjoy taking better care now... understaning my body, what it needs, how it ages... also the brain goes through an amazing transformation too...

My best advice, what I wish I did... was not get hung up on numbers... took me til 37 to figure that out... so I missed 7 years stressing getting old.

Jul 15, 2014

Tonita C.

@Renay...thanks! Lol I started off pretty young, but made the best of my situation. My baby will be 13 very soon! 😩 I get mistaken for his sister!

Jul 15, 2014

Traci L.

I'm 44 and I think I look better now so hopefully I will stay on that road lol.

Jul 15, 2014

Amy S.

Funny how that happens traci... I feel the same...