Does bleached hair turn a different color in chlorine?


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Jul 14, 2014

Stephanie M.

Does chlorine change the color of bleached hair?

Jul 14, 2014

Jess C.

Ahhh... I would wait if you just bleached your hair. I'm paranoid so I usually wait like 2-3 weeks. It's shouldn't hurt it unless your going Into a low-maintained pool where they don't recycle out the chlorine. I would wait for someone more
Experienced to answer because I don't wanna ruin your hair by saying "yeah I did it so you can! "Lol

Jul 14, 2014

Alyx T.

Chlorine can turn bleached hair different colors with tons of exposure. Usually green, but slathering your hair in ketchup or a red toner gets rid of that. But a few hours in a pool shouldn't hurt it. If you're worried, cover your hair in conditioner before swimming and rinse it out and shampoo as soon as you get out of the pool.

Jul 14, 2014

Sam R.

Yes it can, always remember if you have bleached hair and plan to swim in a pool, put some leave in conditioner in your hair beforehand.

Jul 14, 2014

Jenna M.

I was a victim of green hair once due to highlights! No matter what I did it would not come out. I had to go to a salon to get it professionally taken out! Before you go in the water get your hair wet with normal water or even bottle water!! Your hair will soak up the good water and not the chlorinated water when you go into the pool.

Jul 14, 2014

Aurora S.

The water is blue, blue color and yellow hair will turn green. You can just tone it out with a red shampoo. Just mix red kool aid with your regular shampoo

Jul 15, 2014

Sophia F.

Yes! I taught swimming lessons throughout the summer and my hair started getting a green tint 😦. My hair dresser said it was from the chlorine.

Jul 15, 2014

Sophia F.

Kool aid? Say what.

Jul 15, 2014

Alyx T.

Sophia it's just to put red pigment in it. Like I stated above you can also use ketchup or a veggie dye like manic panic mixed with conditioner or shampoo. Anything with a red pigment base in it.

Jul 15, 2014

Briana G.

If you wet your hair completely with shower water and some leave in before you jump in the pool, it has already soaked up water that doesn't have chlorine. :)