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Dec 18, 2012

Traci C.

ive had them since ive had my first son anyone know how to either get rid of them or make them less noticiable?

Dec 18, 2012

Monica K.

I have them too but ever since like puberty. I read on Pinterest that rubbing coconut oil helps reduce the visibility of it. Try it out and tell me if it works cause i need to get rid of it too (:

Dec 18, 2012

Andrea C.

Someone posted about using this Cocoa Butter stick. You can find it at Walgreens and its like a dollar something and just use it 3 times a day. But I may have to try the coconut oil out too.

Dec 18, 2012

Traci C.

ok thx guys i will definately try both of them out and let you guys know... :)

Dec 18, 2012

Jessica C.

Vitamin E cream, rosehip oil, cocoa butter and there's several other things that are all suggested to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Overtime they fade to silvery lines anyway.

Dec 18, 2012

Erin S.

bio oil is really fantastc! 

Dec 18, 2012

Avery M.

I'm going to start using coconut oil. The stretch marks I got from my first pregnancy are almost invisible now. I'm 7 months pregnant now and just been using Vaseline moisturizer and have none so far. 

Dec 21, 2012

Gemma E.

this was amazing its got shark serum in it... it's sticky but it works!! 

Dec 21, 2012

Shawna H.

I got really bad ones from being on steroids. Make a scrub from course sea salt, brown sugar, and olive oil you don't want it soupy. Scrub it on in circular motions in the shower makes skin soft and visibly reduces appearance of stretch marks. I had them on top of each other and it reduced the appearance. You could use coconut oil if you wanted instead of olive oil 

Dec 21, 2012

Julia D.

BioOil works well, and to cover the stretch marks up, tab over them as they start shrinking! It works well, tested and approved!! 

Dec 21, 2012

Julia D.

Tan* over them 

Dec 21, 2012

Alma M.

I watched the view yesterday and they talked about creams for stretch marks that work, go to and watch the episode from yesterday on the view.

Dec 23, 2012

Shay B.

I'm 15 years old and I've had stretch marks since I was eight, they're extremely embarrassing and I've tried rubbing coco butter after my showers at night? what's the next step to get rid of them?

Dec 23, 2012

Karen C.

I say embrace ' earned those stripes. We all have them.

Dec 23, 2012

Tangina U.

I'm 16 and I've had them since beginning of puberty too. I've tried different oils and cocoa butter but nothing seems to have worked for me. I just did what Karen said, embraced them. 

Dec 23, 2012

Tangina U.

Also when I was researching how to get rid off them I found out you can't completely because once your tissues have been stretched they don't "spring" back to normal :s

Dec 23, 2012

M S.

Bio oil

Traci C.

elizabethtown, ky