My foundation isn't turning out right!


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Jul 13, 2014

Jessica R.

My foundation is starting to come out sort of flaky looking in some areas of my face. How can I stop that? I exfoliated and everything. :/

Jul 13, 2014

Sarah L.

Moisturize before you put on your foundation!

Jul 13, 2014

Caitlin F.

Moisturize and then use a primer.
If that doesn't work the. Maybe try a different foundation.

Jul 13, 2014

Kendall O.

Mix it with a few drops of a beauty oil! Like the Josie Maran argan oil!

Jul 13, 2014

Yasmine G.

If you're not already, moisturize and use a primer. If that still doesn't work, try a different foundation or maybe take a break from foundation. Your skin might need a break to get back to normal firstb.

Jul 13, 2014

Jessica R.

Thanks girlies  💕

Jul 14, 2014

Fanny L.

Maybe your moisturizer is hydrating enough and is made for your skin type. Also, try a more hydrating foundation and only powder where you get oily (most people get more oily in the t-zone, unless that's where your dry patches are).

Jul 14, 2014

Allison B.

Use a lot of cream before. And make sure your foundation is hydrating