Fake Bake Xtreme Tan.


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Jul 3, 2014

Rebecca C.

Has any one tryed the fake bake xtreme? If so reviews please and before and after pics if you's have any!

Jul 4, 2014

Rachel M.

Never used it personally but I've heard of many people liking it!

Jul 4, 2014

Rebecca C.

Thank you! I will give it a go! hope I don't end up looking like a streaky orange colour

Jul 4, 2014

Emily W.

I don't do any sort of tanning, but I have seen people mention using a mitt to apply tanner without streaks. Maybe look into that?

Jul 4, 2014

Rebecca C.

It's on so fingers crossed. If it doesn't work out I have to hide for a few days. Ps your make up in your picture is awesome!

Jul 5, 2014

Emily W.

Thanks! Good luck with your tan! :)

Jul 5, 2014

Emily M.

I have it and love it! I use the St Tropez Mitt to apply it though, as Emily suggested :) it's lovely. Give it awhile to dry though, a bit sticky

Jul 6, 2014

Rebecca C.

I did it last night and I was thinking omg what a mess this is going to be when I first put it on it looked awful, but in the morning when I washed it all off and the finished result I loved it. It's a lovely colour and I've no streaks. I forgot to take my ring of so you can see how white I was before. I would definitely recommend it. It's my new favourite tan <3.