To anyone that's ever used Differin...


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Dec 16, 2012

Amy E.

What are your experiences with it? And did you suffer from any eye irritation? I'm nearing the end if my third month with it and although I'm not sure whether it has done anything for the larger, inflamed pimples; I'm happy with what it has done for the overall texture of my skin and it has got rid of all of the closed comedones on my face which I'm extremely happy about. In the first two months I didn't really suffer from any irritation or dry skin but in the third month I noticed my skin is a little drier which I don't mind. My eyes, though, have seemed to become dry and irritated a lot in this past month. They basically feel a bit sore and tired all the time and when I put make up you can actually see the dryness on the lids. It's kind of weird that I'm only experiencing this now three months in. Anyone else experience this?