Ipsy wait list time frame?


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Jul 3, 2014

Melissa J.

I subscribed to ipsy yesterday. I don't expect to be taken off the wait list in no time I was just wondering about how long it should take?

Jul 3, 2014

Dereanna D.

I wanna say it took my mom about a month to get taken off the waiting list.

Jul 3, 2014

Kendra H.

I was on for about 5 months when I signed up a year and a half ago. My friend signed up about 3 months ago and just got in and will get her first bag next month. It just depends on how big the wait list is and how many bags they can produce/how many people leave in a month. It's super popular right now so I'd assume the wait would be a little while.

Jul 3, 2014

Karina L.

I've heard that some people were on the wait list for 2 or more months. But there is a way to get off the wait list. (which is what I did) I ordered in June so mine is arriving this month.
I hope that this helps

Jul 3, 2014

Kendra H.

@ Karina L.
How do you get off the waitlist? I'm already a subscriber but I'm just curious. I contacted Ipsy after month 4 and then just told me that the waitlist is first come first serve basis. I'm honestly just curious.