Embarrassed From Acne..


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Dec 16, 2012

Romy E.

okay. so my acne really embarrasses me. and I just need help. I need like a good foundation routine or cover up ideas , that aren't too pricey. and cleaning face ideas. I have tried basically everything from Noxema, Clean and Clear, Tea Tree Oil, Clearasil, Proactive, face wash wipes... almost everything. PLEASE HELP!!:(

Dec 16, 2012

Amy E.

A lot of acne specific over the counter products do not work for most people. I honestly suggest that you go to a dr. I suffered with acne for years and tried everything, nothing ever made any difference. Finally it got worse and I couldn't take it anymore so I went to the dr and was prescribed Lymecycline tablets (antibiotics) and Differin. With the Differin, I noticed an immediate result. The texture of my skin was much smoother and the closed comedones began to disappear straight away. The Lymecycline took a bit longer to kick in, about 2-3 months. Now I don't get any new pimples except for around my period, and nothing can be done about that unfortunately except trying the pill which is not something I want to do. Any the point is I wish I went to a dr years ago. Aside from this it's important not to use any harsh products that will further irritate your skin. Use a mild, soap free face wash once or twice a day (I like Simple) and a gentle oil free moisturiser. When it comes to make up I don't really know any products that aren't high end but again look for products that are oil free. 

Dec 16, 2012

Sydney V.

I agree, go to a doctor and try to see what the doctors opinion is. And neutrogena foundation is really good for clearing and preventing breakouts. I used it for years and just recently changed because I just wanted to try something new. But neutrogena is great for acne or just in general oily skin like mine. 

Dec 17, 2012

Cassi F.

I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor or an esthetician. I myself am an esthetician and I deal with many people who suffer with acne and skin issues. Personally, I find that drugstore products tend to dry out the skin. When you dry out your skin, your body has to work harder to produce oil (oil lubricates the skin and is totally normal to have) so basically, when your body is working harder to produce oil it is producing more to make up for the lack of. Which then causes acne. Oil= pimples. You should try a cleanser that contains Salicylic Acid or Benzoyl Peroxide. These ingredients will help to gentle exfoliate the skin and treat the acne you currently have. My recommendations would be to cleanse your face twice a day, use a light toner to help remove excess oil and dirt your cleanser may have missed, and use a light, unscented oil free moisturizer. Make sure you are moisturizing bc your skin is most likely stripped and needs hydration. Try mineral makeup, it is light and the minerals can also help with you're acne issues. If you use liquid foundation definitely look for a water based one. Neutrogena Healthy Skin is great, also MUFE makes a matte foundation which is also really good! Sorry this is so long, but I know how hard it is to deal with skin issues... Just remember that you are beautiful! Skin can always be treated, beauty is skin deep!!! 

Dec 17, 2012

Andrea B.

I found that the AcneFree system worked for me, which can be bought at a drugstore. I've tried Neutrogena and Clean and Clear and stuff but this one worked really well. I'm still using the first set which should last you I believe a month and it's been a few, because it cleared my acne in about a week and has helped with some scarring. I just do the cleanser off and on and use the toner and lotion about everyday.

Dec 17, 2012

Melissa P.

I was the same way and on the verge of going to a dr. I decided to try the acne.org regimine using otc products. neutrogena on the spot, neutrogena grapefruit wash (the gel looking one) olay all day spf 15 for sensative skin and neutrogena healthy skin. I used these in a combo of ways until I found a routine that works. I take a daily multivitamin and biotin. My cystic acne is gone, which was bad, and my face is clearing up pretty good. its been 2 month and I dont feel so embarrased about my skin. 

Dec 17, 2012

Xin Z.

Think you def need to try essential oil

Dec 17, 2012

Aleigh R.

Try retina for lotion.. Sometimes it'll make your face peel, buts it worth it and gets rid of acne fast! 

Yes derm is always good .. this girl been threw what you have.. I watched a lot of her videos i am 30 STILL battling acne to this day. She has a lot of good advice and tips and tricks. Shes a model with cystic acne. http://www.youtube.com/user/DiamondsAndHeels14 I hope this helps!