Help! Hair and face super oily all of a sudden.


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Jul 5, 2014

Nati Z.

As the topic states, I started noticing a few weeks ago my hair and face get super oily and just recently a couple days ago I started noticing my ears get oily too. I take regular showers and I've changed my shampoo & conditioner. Only use conditioner for the tips of my hair but a few hours later my hair feels as if I soaked in a bath of oil! It's disgusting! And throughout the day I feel my face & ears are super oily, and I've been noticing when I lay down I can feel the oils of my hair dripping down my face. I've had oily hair before, but not to this extent. I've had oily face before but just usually my nose area and not my entire face. I haven't broken out into pimples or anything, I try to wash my face or clean it as often as I could. I've tried using powders for my hair which helped greatly before but does nothing now. I rarely wear makeup anymore because it doesn't last. I love wearing my eyeliner but I can't wear it because The oils just take over, the liner doesn't even stay on my skin. I just don't know what to do or why this is happening to me! Please anyone help!

Jul 5, 2014

Jary B.

This sounds like a medical condition you should go see your doctor love!