Site Questions???


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Jul 5, 2014

Dy D.

Ok hi everyone, I joined like maybe three weeks ago ish? It's really nice here and you're all really helpful.

I have a question though and I wanted to know what the hearts mean. it's like you follow someone? how does that work? do you see their posts more often or? also do you know so hearts you? And how do you keep track of who you heart?
lol sorry for the interrogation

Jul 5, 2014

Dy D.

*who not so lol.

Jul 5, 2014

Dy D.

Wait nvm nvm literally five minutes after posting this I was playing around and found the following/ likes section. I feel so dumb now lol

Jul 10, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

No need to feel dumb 😊