Urgent help?! Filling in eyebrows while growing them out?


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Jun 23, 2014

Gabby M.

So everybody says to just fill them in, but whenever I try to they just look wayy too thick :/ I don't want to pluck any hairs out since I am trying to grow them out again. Does anybody have pictures or tips on how I can do it without it looking uneven and messy? It depresses me so much cause everytime I do makeup it looks like crap, same with when I don't :(

Jun 23, 2014

Gabby M.

I don't right now, but one of them is growing faster so they're uneven and ughh its so frustrating x(

Jun 23, 2014

Gabby M.

Anybody? :/

Jun 23, 2014

Lorelle E.

Seriously get them threaded! When I was about 12 I over plucked mine soo much they was so uneven so I went to a threading place and the woman who threads mine is amazing she said leave them alone don't pluck them just get them threaded every few weeks or so and just fill then in and add some concealer around them to make them neater!. But yeah get them strictly threaded it will help them grow in the shape you want! But don't pluck them

Jun 23, 2014

Gabby M.

I've gotten mine threaded, it irritates my skin too much plus I wouldnt want her plucking away my eyebrows since there's not much to do :/ I'd rather just grow them out and wait, but I'll try the concealer thing :)

Jun 24, 2014

Xiomara R.

I'm in the same situation..

Jun 24, 2014

Gabby M.

Putting on concealer works great! :) like doing a normal routine (pencil, eyeshadow, anything) then cleaning it up with concealer :) it hides the little hairs pretty well.