Going dye hunting! Help me out?


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Jun 23, 2014

Shaye M.

I went shopping yesterday but didn't end up buying dye so I think I'm going to get some tomorrow. Only I can't even decide what colours I want to spend my money on, it's either pink, purple or red. (I'll be buying two) I can't decide if I should just use the pink for a while as a pastel and then when I'm over that go red? But at the same time I hate how hard red is to get back to my silver if I don't like it. What colours do you think I should buy? Other colours you think I should try are welcome too! Thanks so much girls! 😣

Jun 23, 2014

Kenna S.

Oh my gosh! I'm on a dye hunt too! In a while actually, I'm doing the top half of my hair pink and the bottom half of my hair baby blue. I think you could rock that too, if you're into it. Lol.

Jun 23, 2014

Halee C.

I'm loving the pastel pink idea.

Jun 23, 2014

Amy B.

Lilac would be pretty but so would pastel pink

Jun 23, 2014

Amy S.

Oh pavanas pink, and coral are to die for... I almost picked those over blues and violets. But I perfer darker tones. Hold up amazing. Full head lavander is kinda cliche now.