Share your weird beauty habits 😜


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Jul 1, 2014

Kate V.

What are some of the weird little beauty habits you always do for almost no reason? Ex: I shampoo my hair then wash my face before I condition so I can feel clean all over. And I have to reapply lip balm like 10 times in a row. It could be anything!!

Jul 1, 2014

Breanna C.

I Apply Lip Balm At Least 100 Times A Day If Not More 😳

Jul 1, 2014

Colette F.

This isn't makeup related but I always check my hair for split ends and pick at them😁 I know it's bad but it's a habit haha

Jul 1, 2014

Ana N.

Idk if this is considered a beauty habit but I HAVE to brush my teeth in the shower every day. Lol.

Jul 1, 2014

Vicki K.

Ana N I have a friend who is the saaame way, brushes her teeth in the shower daily!! I actually tried it myself when she told me about it! Haha! :)

Jul 1, 2014

Noelle M.

I don't know if this counts I think it does I have the reeeally bad habit of always wanting to look perfect. every time there's a mirror around I look at myself like 20x
:O I'm just too insecure lol

Jul 1, 2014

Bella L.

I have an urge to always comb my eyelashes I do at least 3 times a day I'm always fixing my hair I usually end up with 4 different hairstyles by the end of the end of the day and I stare at mirrors way to long :p

Jul 1, 2014

Mrs B.

I use a wash cloth to wash the dead skin of my lips daily and I have a very weird obsession with popping pimples and plucking ingrown hairs

Jul 1, 2014

Ana N.

Vicki K, lol really?! Do you still do it? Or were you just trying it? Haha.

Jul 1, 2014

Dawn A.

I have to have chapstick with me absolutely everywhere I go!! And it needs to be raspberry flavored:P I reapply like every 15 minutes haha:P And when I do my makeup in the morning I have to have music playing, my candles lit, and some peppermint tea right next to me haha:)

Jul 1, 2014

Marleen B.

I don't think its weird. But I will brush my teeth in the shower & shave while letting my conditioner do its job. I also use an enamel building toothpaste at night & a whitening toothpaste in the morning. I do this because too much brushing & aggressive brushing not to mention whitening teeth products can wear away your enamel leaving your teeth sensitive & yellow in the long run. By wearing away your enamel, you're exposing the dentin inside your teeth which is a yellow shade. I also brush my hair before washing it so it doesn't get tangly. I sleep on wet hair for soft, no frizz waves in the morning. I sometimes apply bath oil right after my shower while I'm still in shower so it seals in the water on my skin. I only sleep on my back to prevent progressive face wrinkles that accumulate over time. a it for now.

Jul 1, 2014

Haley G.

I brush my teeth in the shower, too! My ex always did it, so I tried, and I love it because when you're done you're super clean everywhere:)

For whatever reason I HAVE to apply makeup naked?? Lmao I'm not sure why or how that even started but here we are.

Jul 1, 2014

Hannah L.

I don't wear lipstick!! Is that weird?

Jul 1, 2014

Vittoria G.

When I'm doing my eyeshadow, I take at least 10 or more minutes doing only the crease shade because I have to make sure they're even cuz I'm a perfectionist

Jul 1, 2014

Vittoria G.

Also, when I apply lip balm, I can't move on with just one coat, I have to keep coating my lips probably over 20 times till I'm satisfied

I'm constantly touching my hair and combing through it with my fingers
I touch it so much it's greasy by the end of the day from my fingers natural oils
And I'm constantly curling my eyelashes with my finger

Jul 1, 2014

Anna J.

I have to have my hair up in a pony tail or braids to sleep. After a shower I have to brush my hair naked. I nee bubbles in my bath when I have one otherwise I feel so exposed. I sometimes curl my eyelashes with my finger.

Jul 1, 2014

Kendra H.

I have to brush my teeth in the shower and I cannot get sulfur soap in my lips. If I get my sulfur soap on my lips I have to wash off my entire face and start again. The problem is I have problems getting it off just my lips so I just wash my whole face. It rates horrible and just feels weird so it's a strange beauty habit but it kind of make sense! Maybe? No? Ok... Lol I also have to have my spotify play music or watch YouTube while I get ready. It feels weird to be in totally science... AND I always feel like I have to brush my tongue so even though it makes me gag horribly I'll brush with my toothbrush as far back as possible...
Ok! I think that's it! Lol I'm just a weird person!

Jul 1, 2014

Ana N.

Haley G, I do my hair & makeup when I'm naked too lmao.

Jul 1, 2014

Kaitlyn B.

Leaning as close to the mirror as possible to make sure I look perf😂

Jul 1, 2014

Missy K.

At night while I'm washing/moisturizing my face I need to have music on. Like I can't function without it it's just become a necessity at night, and if I lose my earphones I'll hault everything and refuse to wash my face until I find them 😭

Jul 1, 2014

Ileene M.

I have so many habits it's not even funny -_-

one because I'm a perfectionist and two a major germ freak! everything has to be done a certain way my husband says it's Ocd.. its cool doe, wouldn't have it any other way! :)

Jul 1, 2014

Eloise W.

I wash my hands like 30 times a day and I can't sleep if I didn't do my night skin care routine completely which made me real trouble when I was on one vacation and forgot to take some cream with me.

Jul 1, 2014

Bethany M.

I need music while I get my makeup on and getting dressed. ( I listen to music in the shower too shhhhhh)

Jul 1, 2014

kavya m.

I used to braid my hair before hitting the bed..I still do it but not often ( I've cut my hair recently)