LA trip. Travel essentials?


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Jul 1, 2014

Caitlin M.

In August I'll be going to LA for a few days, maybe even for a week and I have never flown before! I have traveled by train so I definitely get the idea of packing light (learned that the hard way, I might add lol) but what exactly is allowed in a carry on according to TSA regulations? Are they the same everywhere? I woll.

Jul 1, 2014

Caitlin M.

Ahh it posted before I was done...

I will definitely be Googling some stuff but I wanted to see what you ladies and gents had to say.

What essential items do you suggest? I doubt I'll wear makeup on the flight but when I get there I'll probably want to have a little on because we will be leaving at a ridiculously early time and I'm sure I will look like death warmed over lmao. I will be bringing just one carry on, probably a tote of some kind. Just big enough to bring a book, sweater, iPod, phone charger and a small makeup/travel size essential bag.

Jul 1, 2014

Hannah K.

Technically TSA regulations are the same everywhere, but it varies by airport whether or not they care about taking out your liquids (I travel a whole lot, and I have NEVER taken out liquids). The rule is 3 ounces or less. Definitely abide by that, there's no wiggle room and they will totally throw away your products if they're over that size. They will make you take off your shoes, make sure you're wearing something easy to take on and off (and socks, because EW airport floors). That's about all I've got :)

Jul 1, 2014

Hannah K.

Oh and essential items are lip balm and hand cream (recycled airplane air will dry you out), I also bring nail files because my nails break at really inopportune times, and I'd bring a small mirror so you can fix yourself before you land :) other than that, you named everything I'd bring.

Jul 1, 2014

Caitlin M.

Ah okay I thought it was 3 and it looks like I was right. They have to be in a see through plastic bag too? You can put larger sizes in your stowed bag, correct? I doubt I will, we will probably just hit up a Wal-Mart and buy what we need because I hate trying to stuff wet shampoo bottles away safely...just asking for disaster there lol.

Jul 1, 2014

Hannah K.

Yeah, if you're checking a bag you can put in whatever you want. And like I said, I've never taken out my liquids, I just pack them in a toiletries bag and as long as they're less than 3 oz no one questions it. I can totally show you what my toiletries bags look like, if you want; I really do travel a lot and I have some tried and true ways of packing stuff.

Jul 1, 2014

Hannah K.

Also, if you can separate them, take breakable makeup in your carry on, and your other toiletries in your checked bag.

Jul 1, 2014

Caitlin M.

Sure I'd love some packing tips! I am a pack rat and hopefully I've learned my lesson at this point but I'll still take tips and tricks lol. And as hard as it will be I'm going to try to narrow it down to one or two palettes and call it done. I have a couple smaller ones that I take that are good for travel because they're small like my UD Fun palette and ammo palette. I usually pack whatever palettes I bring between layers of clothes so it has padding. Then a medium sized bag for everything else.

But yes I'd like to see your toiletries bag?

Jul 1, 2014

Breeze T.

A good thing to pack if you're traveling by plane is any kind of wipe: makeup remover wipes, wet wipes for your hands and underarms, nail polish remover wipes. That way you can bring more essential liquids. Oh and I really like doing cloth face masks on the plane to stay hydrated. Remember to drink lots of water! Your liquids must be in a container measuring max. 3 Oz and all these containers must fit in a quart size Ziploc bag.

Jul 1, 2014

Caitlin M.

Good to know Breeze, thanks for the advice!? I'll probably only be carrying on enough to do a very basic look. Like a swipe of eyeshadow, maybe some primer, a bit of concealer, powder and some mascara. Just enough to look alive ha. And I am definitely investing in hand wipes. I'm not a germaphobe exactly but when in public places I sort of become one lol.

Jul 1, 2014

Caitlin M.

The question marks are supposed to be smileys lol.

Jul 2, 2014

Hannah K.

Sorry, I was at dinner! Here's what my travel bags typically look like: I like to take the opportunities to use up any free samples or sample sizes while I'm traveling. So in here I have my toothbrush, travel size toothpaste, travel shampoo and conditioner, travel deodorant, a sample size face wash, some Sephora brand single use moisturizers, hair ties etc. I would pack this toiletries bag, just because I know I won't need any of this on the plane. I pack my palettes the same way you do, and I always try to bring something small and multipurpose. Those go in a different bag, as I like to protect my makeup, should any of my bath products spill.

Jul 2, 2014

Alyx T.

Hannah is completey right. But make sure your bottles are 3oz or under. Even if the bottle has the tiniest bit of product, if the bottle is over 3oz they will take it away. Also don't bring tweezers, nail clippers, scissors or anything sharp. They will usually take it away. My great grandmother went on holiday and had plastic crochet hooks in her purse and they took them away from her lol.

Jul 2, 2014

Kendall O.

Do not forget a dry shampoo! I can't travel anywhere without one. Especially with a different climate than your hometown

Jul 2, 2014

Caitlin M.

I have a dry shampoo in mind, Kendall! I've been wanting to try the one from Not Your Mother's and they have a travel size, so thank you for reminding me :)

Alyx, yea I will be super paranoid and will be making sure that they are 3 and under for sure. I'm neurotic like that lol. I would definitely never bring anything sharp, I'd be too afraid of getting arrested or strip searched or something lmao.

Hannah, no problem, I'm actually at work so I probably shouldn't even be on here now hehe. And I realized I do something very similar with my products too so we are on the same page lol. All my skin stuff goes in a big bag like that too and that goes away in my checked bag. Thank you for the pic :)

Jul 2, 2014

Emily B.

Omg the nail files need to be the disposable nail files cuz the metal ones will get confiscated. they are a weapon :P.

Jul 2, 2014

Caitlin M.

Lol I usually only use disposable ones anyway. But thanks! lol is it bad that I just picture the TSA procedures being like what the officers do in Orange is the New Black? lmao.

Jul 2, 2014

Cher W.

I put all bottles of anything in ziplock bags. if they accidentally open somehow, they won't stain clothes or ruin a flat iron etc. bring a light sweater and sunglasses for sure. I live near l.a. so I know what the weather's like. also a light scarf just in case. frankly, don't worry about looking all fancy or glammed up day to day. it's so relaxed out here, especially being near so many beaches. Venice beach and Santa Monica pier are about 15 minutes away from each other and both are definitely fun and interesting.

Jul 2, 2014

Caitlin M.

Thanks Cher! I'm not super worried about being glammed up, I live near a beach on the east coast and people definitely don't care lol. But we will be going out with some people and I'll want to be a little more put together for that. Definitely bringing a sweater, I rarely go anywhere without one haha.

Jul 2, 2014

Cher W.

You're welcome. I hope you have fun. I'm dying to go to the east coast. lol

Jul 2, 2014

Julia T.

Lotion lip balm

Jul 2, 2014

Julia T.

And I love Cher's  ideas.