Stretched ears in the workplace?


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Jul 2, 2014

Josii c.

I don't know what category to put this in lol. Anyways I just turned 15 and I've had stretched lobes for about 2 1/2 years. They're currently at 4g (5mm) and I'm thinking about stretching them up just one size up (: luckily I'm not old enough to get a job and I'm pretty sure they can go back to normal at this size but what's everyone's opinion on stretched ears in the workplace if they're hidden well or the employee wears nice plugs/jewelry (no tunnels). If you have any answers along the lines of " ew those sound so gross " or "that's nasty" or anything negative please because it isn't related to my question (: thanks.

Jul 2, 2014

Isabel M.

I personally don't think there is anything wrong with them in the workplace, simply saying it's unprofessional is discriminatory against appearances, and quite frankly the way someone looks has NOTHING to do with their career capabilities. My mom worked with a doctor who was COVERED in tattoos and he had stretched ears, and he was one of the best doctors the place had!

Jul 2, 2014

Josii c.

*please don't comment.

Jul 2, 2014

Josii c.

I completely agree with you Isabel! :)

Jul 2, 2014

Dorothea S.

I mean, personally, I find nothing wrong with plugs, several ear piercings, unnatural hair colors, visible tattoos. The whole shebang. I don't mind it because honestly I think it sort of makes a person who they are especially if they dress it up nicely or hide it.

Jul 2, 2014

Erin M.

Personally, I find nothing wrong with them. But ultimately it doesn't matter what we think (all depending on where you work) but rather your customer base.

For example, I work in a child care facility on a military base. I've recently come to discover I want multiple tattoos, luckily this isn't a problem because I've already got the job and all the places I want them are easy to cover BUT if I was applying there and covered they'd probably say no to me as many parents don't trust the 'tattooed girl' due to the stereotypes around it. I could have the best resume in there but it wouldn't matter.

So really it doesn't matter what we think (except for a few job cases) but rather your work place, who they cater to, and how much they care about pleasing who they cater to. My management team is a bunch of...erm, punks, so I know they wouldn't hire me if I came in covered in tattoos despite my awesome resume.

Jul 2, 2014

Josii c.

Ohh I see. My question now is what kind of jobs I'd be able to get with small stretched lobes?

Jul 2, 2014

Lauren G.

Small lobes won't matter I don't think. Mine were one inch and I recently took them out but I unfortunately still have noticeable holes that will never close without surgery so keep that in mind bc stretching is addictive. Honestly though mine will not hold me back from any jobs bc they are so small and I'm sure yours won't either. At 15 you won't be working some high profile job, ya know?

Jul 2, 2014

Ariana G.

I think you're open to any job you can get at 15. I'm the same age as you and there really isn't any professional jobs you can get that wouldn't hire you because of your earlobes. I mean, at 15 the most profesdional job I can think of getting is fast food service, and they usually don't care about earlobes.

Jul 2, 2014

Kendra H.

I don't think that they effect the talents or capabilities of the person but there are some careers where body modification cannot be allowed. For example, a psychologist should not have anything visible like tattoos or large stretched ears because you never know what kind of look is going to trigger a reaction in a client: that's why professionals careers such as that want you to dress professionally in neutral colors and without any visible or large body modification. However, I don't think people should care in clothing stores, grocery stores or even in a business setting... The only place I don't think these things are appropriate are a place like counseling office, research facility ect. Where body modification can severely upset or scare a person or influence a test subjects brain activity kind of thing. Just my opinions and I know that many others will not agree with me in both directions.

Jul 2, 2014

Kendra H.

Also, I think you could basically get any job with small stretched lobes. As they get bigger it will get harder because they will get more noticeable and employers will look at then as a lapse in judgment and a symbol of irresponsibility. Although I don't agree with that I've talked to several employers who have that opinion. So, if you keep then small you should have no problem getting what you want! :)

Jul 2, 2014

Shaye M.

I had my ears stretched to 22mm before I took them out and I used to wear flesh coloured plugs when I had a course or interview or anything like that and it seemed to help a lot as far as noticing them goes. The only piercings an employer didn't like was my dahlia piercings but I didn't like them for long anyway :)

Jul 2, 2014

Sarah O.

I don't find anything wrong. Hot Topic has A Lot of workers with stretched ears flashing and it doesn't effect the service. Also wal mart and other places I went had workers with it.

Jul 2, 2014

Sarah O.

Also they were all cashiers.

Jul 2, 2014

Kat A.

At your age & the size you're at, it won't matter. I worked at hobby lobby & my ears are at 7/16 & no one ever cared. I was a cashier, btw. I also went to Outback & my server had her ears stretched. she had dangly earrings through her tunnels. I thought it was cute.

Jul 2, 2014

Josii c.

I meant jobs in the future when I'm actually looking to go into a career I.e. I'm really interested in law and astrophysics.

Jul 2, 2014

Josii c.

But thanks everyone :) I just wanted to know everyone's opinion/experiences out of sheer curiosity (: everyone on beautylish is always so kind.

Jul 2, 2014

Josii c.

But thanks everyone :) I just wanted to know everyone's opinion/experiences out of sheer curiosity (: everyone on beautylish is always so kind.

Jul 2, 2014

Lauren G.

I pray to god in ten years none of this shit will matter. Target is always sweet bc they have people with colored hair, all kinda of tattoos and makeup. Hopefully people's minds will open up and anyone can get the job they deserve regardless of how they look.

Jul 2, 2014

Kendra H.

Oooooh... Hmmm. I can see how large gauges or any large body modification would not be accepted into that kind of environment but I think a job in some kind of physics enviornmebt like a lab would be fine. Honestly, you're not going to know right now what you'll look like in the future. Even if you go big with gauges now you might decide to close the holes when you get older. I think you're overthinking about the future right now. Of course any permanent modification, like a tattoo, should have a lot of thought put into it , but I wouldn't worry about having stretched rates in the future. I'd worry about if they'd affect you right now.

Jul 2, 2014

Emilie T.

Personally, I think streched ears are pretty cool;) it will depend on your boss idea about them. But I know someone who has strechted ears and he works at subway so it could be a possibility.:)

Jul 2, 2014

Hannah K.

I don't think they should, I mean it doesn't stop how well you work so it shouldn't do.

Jul 2, 2014

Breeze T.

From a friend's experience I can say that if you're going to be a cook, you need to completely take them out because you never know if they get tangled in something and fall into a pot of sauce lol! If you're worried you can keep your ears covered with your hair at work, provided it's long enough.

Jul 2, 2014

Josii c.

thanks everyone ('

Jul 2, 2014

Josii c.

*(: its great to hear how accepting of body mods everyone is