Dark Under Eye Circles


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Dec 16, 2012

Bec L.

I have developed really bad darkness under my eyes in the last couple of months.. not really sure why to be honest.
im currently using the benefit eye cream but it's not really doing anything. can anyone recommend me a good eye cream (that is not too pricey) or home remedy?


Dec 16, 2012

Emily R.

Make sure you're getting enough sleep, drinking enough water etc~ It could even be hormonal or genetic :( I just use a light eyecream from Dermalogica with an SPF. Vitamin C serums are great at brightening the face too :)

Dec 17, 2012

Maxine H.

I swear by YSL touché éclat. You can also get an eye roller with it that works wonders! At this time of year you should be able to get them in a gift pack together for a cheaper than buying separate. 

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Bec L.

Melbourne, Australia