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Jun 30, 2014

Angeline Q.

My face gets oily a lot , any products I can use to stop it??

Jun 30, 2014

Alyssa B.

You can't really stop your face from producing oil but you could use a setting powder to mask the oil or invest in oil blotting sheets and use them throughout the day.

Jun 30, 2014

Brenda P.

Buy a face wash that are meant for oily skin, natural products work best, try St. Ives and or Lush cosmetics! Both natural, preservatives free. I use both of them and make my face so soft and natural! Hope this helps!

Jun 30, 2014

Angeline Q.

& where can I buy thoes products ^ o:

Jun 30, 2014

Diana T.

True what aly said you can't stop your body's natural oil production but there are products that can absorb the oil on your skin - like some mattifying moisturizers as well as powders and other mattifying products.

Jun 30, 2014

Brenda P.

You can buy lush cosmetics at lush and St.Ives at any drugstore nearby like Target, Walmart, Walgreens, etc.

Jun 30, 2014

Angeline Q.

Alright I will check them out tomomrow (: @ Brenda

& I try a lot of moisturizers and my face seems too get better but then few days later it gets even more oily!o:

Jun 30, 2014

Harper L.

Oil blotting sheets saved my life! you can actually get them anywhere, I like the NYX ones.

Jun 30, 2014

Anna G.

Also make sure to stay moisturized because your body might be making more oils for the lack of moisture

Jun 30, 2014

Layna P.

Noxzema face wash! It dries out the skin a bit but it works get! Plus gets rid of pimples/zits/blackhead if it wash your face and night. You wake up and your face is just right

Jun 30, 2014

Annie D.

I'm rather surprised no one mentions toner. Toner helps your skin and keeps the oil at bay or try to.

Jun 30, 2014

Annie D.

* you apply toner first followed by moisturizer and continue with your routine.

Jul 1, 2014

Mia G.

I read in several threads over the internet that milk of magnesia (MoM) is proven to make your face matte. Not by drinking it, but by applying directly on the problematic areas on your face. A little on your nose and cheeks for example... You put it after your moisturizer has completely dried and if you put too much it dries and leaves a white patch which you can wipe off (it's milk after all). So no worries of overdoing it :P Hope I helped!

Jul 1, 2014

Charlene F.

A setting powder may help.

Jul 1, 2014

Renee K.

Mac oil control lotion is good. Alba's acne control toners works well too.