Entering high school beauty tips.


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Jun 30, 2014

Nicolet K.

So I'm entering high school in August 25 but the reason I'm writing this is that these might be some long term comitments that might be suggested because I really want to enter school with a clean fresh looking face. Any makeup tips and anti acne tips to help me look better than I am right now? Products? Practices? Etc? Lol please help I'm reaaalllly nervous because my BFF is not going to the same school as I am. Please help again lol :)

Jun 30, 2014

Sarah O.

Make sure you have a good skin care routine

Jun 30, 2014

Nicolet K.

Ok do you have any good ones or good products that aren't costly?

Jun 30, 2014

Olivia K.

This might be really long...
I really love for my "I need a quick fix, look at this pimple!" moments, the ELF Zit Zapper.
For your tired eyes, you can put a spoon in the freezer for 20-30 minutes, take it out and put it over your eyes until it gets warm.
By the way I am now a sophomore.
I try to do a different hair style AT LEAST 3 days a week. Most of my lazy days consist of messy buns and my naturally wavy hair!

Jun 30, 2014

Nicolet K.

Cool thanks Olivia k I don't really have bags under my eyes I usually have puffy eyes if I didn't sleep much but it reduces. Anyways thank you

Jun 30, 2014

Ciciii C.

You can use , shea butter , castro oil , coconut castro oil , banana mask , banana SB mask. Go on Amazon and look up SkinFood. You will love it!

Jun 30, 2014

Kitty K.

Oh high school is fun - don't worry. I went to my highschool knowing only one person.. and my school had 4,000 people in total.
As for a skin care routine... I can help you with one... Do you have dry, oily or combo skin?

Jun 30, 2014

Nicolet K.


Jun 30, 2014

Nicolet K.

Thank you ciera C.

Jun 30, 2014

Sarah O.

I have normal skin and this is what I do in the morning:
-wash my face with Clearasil hydra blast oil free daily facial wash
-moisturize with Yes to Carrots daily facial moisturizer
-use Freeman avocado and oatmeal face mask once a week.
I'm a junior this year and just because this routine works for me does not mean it will for you! :)

For hair, I mainly just leave it down or put it in a pony tail or messy bun

Jun 30, 2014

Sarah O.

Although the Yes to Carrots moisturizer should work as it is for normal to dry skin. :)

Jun 30, 2014

Kitty K.

Foaming face wash for sensitive skin by Olay ($4.49), or the Yes to Carrots Cream cleanser ($6.99).

For moisturizer.. Yes to carrots fragrance free moisturizer ($14.99) or the Aveeno Positively Radiant ($16.99) which has a mica in it so it's kind of like a sheer bb cream.

You have dry skin... so alternatively you can use oils that are moisturizing.
Jojoba Oil (7.99 more or less), squalane oil which is amazing for dry skin.. I bought mine from Beautylish. Use non-comedogenic oils or oils very low in comedogenicity.

For spot treatments, I like Tea Tree Oil... I diluted mine with Jojoba Oil. I bought mine at walmart for about $7.00. If you want a great acne treatment lotion & BHA exfoliant the Neutrogena Rapid Clear Lotion ($6.99) is great. Remember, it's a chemical exfoliant so it will exfoliate as deep as your pores. No need for a physical exfoliant.
Very nice skin routine to start off with along with affordable products. I personally use Oils to moisturize and use that Aveeno Moisturizer as a make up base.

Jun 30, 2014

Kaleigh D.

I recommend moisturizing your body and face atleast once a day. Tea tree oil is a quick fix for some toners when diluted and spot treatments. I like to look nice atleast once every two weeks(makeup, hair sometimes a dress). A little mascara, eye liner and lip gloss can go a long way(:
I'm now a junior but good luck! You'll do great(:

Jun 30, 2014

Kendra H.

I'm a rising senior and I can tell you that high school is awesome and beauty is one pretty important thing and it's also a way to get creative when you experiment with makeup. However, like everyone else is telling you, you need a good base first and you get that by developing a good skin care routine. I have really sensitive and acne prone skin so I use sulfur soap every morning and night. It's available on amazon and you out it on, wait ten minutes, and rinse it off! I moisturize once a day with Cetaphil face moisturizer and once a day I use the elf zit zapper in any visible pimples or those that are starting to appear!

Then you should aim to keep your makeup simple and natural at least until junior year. Simple makeup I feel enhances your beauty and it's a fast routine for the morning.

Don't be afraid to experiment with hairstyles! Just remember to keep your hair healthy! I use deep conditioner and argon oil to keep my hair healthy and shiny!

Trust me girl you'll be fine! You'll find your people and you'll have a great time! Soak up the experience because it does t last forever! I'll be done after this coming year and I'm honestly going to miss it! :)

Jun 30, 2014

lysia w.

Nothing looks better than a HEALTHY face. Make sure you take care of your face. Having smooth skin is better than having pimples and acne smothered in foundation. If you take care of your skin, you won't even have to wear face makeup!😉

Jun 30, 2014

Shaye M.

I agree with Taiss, you're still only quite young and I think you should just develop a good skin care routine and maybe get your eyebrows done professionally or something like that :) I know my worst phase in high school was making my brows waaaay too thin. Keep it natural but tidy :) I was always jealous of the girls who didn't wear makeup to school so yeah lol

Jun 30, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Don't stress makeup to much I would do just liner and a mascara, I remember when I went to high school I was always in a rush I never made it to 1st period on time if anything like 2 times I did lol all bad but either way try to reduce your stress by no adding more to your to do list.

Jun 30, 2014

Dy D.

Honestly, you should be fine with just eyeliner/ mascara and some lip gloss.

Also, products you buy may stop working so your face regiment will probs change. (that's why I won't suggest specific products)
Just make sure you wash your face 2x a day, and moisturize with a facial moisturizer that does not clog your pores!
Tbh, I'd start off with neutrogena and if that doesn't work, experiment with other brands.

Jun 30, 2014

Dy D.

Dress in clothes that make you feel good about yourself. I noticed that those type of days usually went better.

BUT MOST importantly, learn to love yourself! Honestly your style will change, your friends will change and YOU will change. It's important to love who you are during these changes and to unapologetically be yourself. :)

Jun 30, 2014

Kara L.

Hello there! I understand you want to reduce your acne, I just want to tell you how I got rid of mine. Keep an open mind. Most people thing they need creams to get rid of their acne. And in some cases that might be needed but if you want a natural way to reduce acne then follow these steps!
Wash your face 2x a day or more! Morning and night, remember you're naturally trying to rid your acne and so do not use anything with chemicals!! No proactive, xout, neutrogena!! I wash my face with cleansers from my local organic grocery store. If you have a Whole Foods or Rainbow near you then that would be a nice place to get some cleanser! Your face loves organic cleanser!
IF you have verrrrry oily skin then Witch Hazel is pretty darn great! (It's not as natural but it is amazing!!) using witch hazel 3x a day will bring out all of the acne just waiting to come out and then Remove it all and prevent further breakouts! And it's about $1(:
I also use a clay mask when I can! I put a hot rag on my face or let steam seep into my pores to open them up and then put on a clay mask. It's from the earth so it's doing you good!
WHATEVER YOU DO DON't POP PIMPLES! This will spread bacteria and just give you more breakouts, also will permanently scar your skin! I guarantee that if you try these your face will be clear in a matter of just a few weeks! Definitely before school! Just keep it up!(:

Jun 30, 2014

Evi S.

I'm starting a new high school this year as a sophomore.. So I understand! I just want to tell you that when I had bad acne, it started healing when I started praying to God & trusting in Him. People will tell you about a lot of products, but honestly without God, I wouldn't be healed.. So maybe you should pray to him. Good luck ❤

Jun 30, 2014

Laura B.

Do a good face mask like a clay one to pull off oil once a week. Try the "Lush" products, they are all-natural and amazing and smell like Heaven honestly. Do a "spa day" once a week to relax and do facials, masks for hair and face, take a bubble bath... Etc. maybe invite a friend? It's a great way to relax from pressure and get your skin and hair glowing.