Eye irritation for weeks.


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Jul 1, 2014

Kayli H.

Ok so one of my eyes has been irritated for like three weeks. I tried looking online but every article I read it says it's pink eye or a broken blood vessel, and I can assure you it is neither.

It just looks like I rubbed my eye, or like I have a spec of mascara in there. I have changed my contacts and all my mascaras, washed my bedding, and got a new contact case, and it's still irritated. It doesn't hurt or produce any discharge, and it's only one eye. Any advice or tips?

Jul 1, 2014

Kira-louise S.

It could be hay fever. When I use to have it my eyes would always look like they had been badly rubbed. Have you been using new hair products, products on your face/near your eyes? If it still continues maybe go to the doctors

Jul 1, 2014

Hannah K.


There is no other option here. Speaking as someone who has worn glasses and contacts for 18 years, if something is irritating your eye and it doesn't go away within a day, you need to see a doctor. No one on here is qualified to assess your situation.

Jul 1, 2014

Kitty K.

I agree with Hannah. Your eye is your eye and its something I personally would not mess around with.
You don't want to take misleading advice that ends up damaging your eye.

Jul 2, 2014

Brandy S.

I have seen this many times as a medic in the army. Sounds like you scratched your cornea :( go to the doctor immediately!

Jul 2, 2014

Kayli H.

I don't think it's anything that serious, it doesn't feel any different, it just looks red. It doesn't itch or burn, I can see fine, and it's not even teary. I'll get to a doctor as soon as I can, but I have no idea when that will be.