Acne Scars...


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Jun 30, 2014

Charlotte M.

Are they going to stay forever?... I just got rid of my extreme acne up there like 2 months ago.

Jun 30, 2014

Destiny R.

No not forever, but it may take a while for them to clear up. Try tea tree oil or accutane. I know laura mercier has a skin tone corrector in the skin care line you could check out. You could also see a dermatologist and ask their opinion on products you could use.

Jun 30, 2014

Kitty K.

SPF, Antioxidant Serums, and exfoliation should make them fade quickly. Maybe 2-3 weeks or less time since they aren't so dark. But definitely wear SPF so that they don't darken.

Jun 30, 2014

Charlotte M.

Thanks you so much! But are the holes going to stay?

Jun 30, 2014

Kitty K.

You need a dermatologist to determine that. It's very unlikely that anyone on the forum can give you a correct answer.

Jul 1, 2014

Cher W.

@Charlotte the pock marks will stay, unless you get microdermabrasion or other type of procedures done. I have never heard of anyone having them go away. I have them from high school. fade the redness with lemon slices.