Mascara Alternatives: anyone use something else?


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Jun 28, 2014

Rhiannon B.

I'm blonde so my lashes are very light colored and I'd rather they be darker, but I don't want to use mascara. Any ideas?

Jun 28, 2014

Divanshi T.

Eyelash tinting? X

Jun 28, 2014

Kitty K.

You can always try a clear mascara.. They sell mascara in different colors as well.

Jun 28, 2014

Carina H.

Yeah eyelash tinting! I do it, it lasts for such a long time and it's perfect for when I'm going on holiday because then I don't have to use mascara 😄

Jun 28, 2014

Breeze T.

In the last couple days I've been skipping mascara. Just a good curl and shea butter!

Jun 28, 2014

Breeze T.

Or as a temporary solution that looks like you got them tinted is swiping black liquid eyeliner on them :)

Why not mascara?

Jun 29, 2014

Lynzie B.

Perfekt lash perfection gel it's sold at sephora.