What kind of eye look is this?


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Jun 29, 2014

Ellie C.

Is this a gradient eye or a smokey eye? Can you please explain the difference?
Also what is a cat eye (I know the eyeliner, but I heard someone say there is a cat eye eye shadow technique as well)?


Jun 29, 2014

Leslie N.

Gradient but I'm not good at explaining haha

Jun 29, 2014

Hannah K.

This is a gradient eye. The difference between gradient and smokey is the direction: a smokey eye will blend upwards from dark to light, whereas a gradient will blend from side to side. A cat eye shadow look would be a shadow look that imitates the shape of the cat eye eyeliner, does that make sense?

Jun 29, 2014

Shaye M.

I'll try and decipher the difference between a smokey eye in what I think the difference is, a smokey eye is darker on the lid and gets lighter the higher it gets and requires a lot of blending. A gradient eye is what your picture is, a lighter colour going to a darker colour in the outer V

Jun 29, 2014

Ellie C.

Oh okay I see! Thank you so much Hannah & Shaye ♥ (:

Jun 29, 2014

Shaye M.

Welcome! :) hope you have a better idea now

Jun 29, 2014

Ellie C.

Does a smokey eye have to start out dark and fade to light, or can it go light to dark?

Jun 29, 2014

Shaye M.

It's generally dark to light. I don't know if light to dark would count as one :)