Makeup hair and fashion.


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Jun 28, 2014

Shell M.

I have church tomorrow, & I'm tired of not looking as good as I can. Any suggestions on how I should do my hair & makeup and what I should wear? ❤️💄

Jun 28, 2014

Anna B.

Wear a white tank top or shirt and black pants with heels. Maybe some combat boots would be nice.

Jun 28, 2014

Celeste b.


Jun 28, 2014

Celeste b.


Jun 28, 2014

Celeste b.


Jun 28, 2014

Celeste b.


Jun 28, 2014

Celeste b.


Jun 28, 2014

Celeste b.


Jun 28, 2014

Celeste b.


Jun 28, 2014

Celeste b.


Jun 28, 2014

Shell M.

Hannah that sounds like a great plan! How should I do my hair & makeup? & Celeste b. these are beautiful outfits I wish I had some :(

Jun 28, 2014

Celeste b.

& 9

Jun 28, 2014

Shell M.

I love the #6 makeup look thanks girl:)

Jun 29, 2014

Anna B.

Cat eye or natural eyeshadow. Hair: a high ponytail or bun.

Jun 29, 2014

Anna N.

I used to wear high heels to church (all my heels are very high :/) and everybody was looking at me like I was a circus animal... Now I usually wear wedges or sneakers and some jeans with a top :) I also had some problems with shirts and dresses... some old ladies were complaining that I'm selling my meat because I wore no sleeves.. so yes I've gotten so much ugly looks and I was critized so many times (don't get me wrong, I always wore something decent, even too decent but they are very judgemental :/) as for the hair I wear a high ponytail or a bun :)

Jun 30, 2014

Shell M.

Lol they don't judge at my church. They aren't suppose to judge you girl! Only God can judge and I bet he thinks you look gorgeous in your dresses. but yeah I always try and dress modest. I love wearing high heels! I think there modest (:

Jul 2, 2014

Anna N.

Well than here's your answer :) wear heels, dresses, whatever you want :) as long as you feel beautiful you can wear anything :))