Sunburn on face!! HELP.


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Jun 29, 2014

Tiffany S.

So I just went on a 3 day hiking trip with my friends and family from my church. We hiked a total of 19 miles! Long story short.. I did put sunscreen on my face, but I didn't apply very often. So like my nose is dark red and feels scaly. My face is just like pink and red. Also got burned on ears, hurts BADLY.

So I just have some questions.. So is it okay to use a toner on your skin while it's burned? I'm scared it's going to burn like heck!! (And I do have after sun lotion treatment) second question; is it okay to use bb cream just to cover the burn?

Jun 29, 2014

Tiffany S.

But it's not like my whole face is like a tomato.. It's just like.. Normal burned. Besides my nose. Ha.

Jun 29, 2014

Kat A.

I wouldn't put makeup on a burn, just let it heal properly. apply some aloe vera to it.

Jun 29, 2014

Qwaserght T.

I think bb creams ok
And if you're concerned about your toner burning just put a small amount on a patch of your skin to test it

Jun 29, 2014

Tiffany S.

What about toner?

Jun 29, 2014

Tiffany S.

Oh okay, thanks Qwaserght! (:

Jun 29, 2014

C P.

Use aloe Vera!

Jun 29, 2014

Lily H.

Use aloe Vera it works miracles

Jun 29, 2014

Emma Y.

Aloe, and drink a TON, don't go out in the sun much lol- and don't wear makeup:) this happend to me but on my body and it was like, redder than a tomato and hurt so bad! Good luck:)

Jun 29, 2014

Bekah S.

I think you should put aloe on as well! Also this may sound weird but I swear it works... Put your aloe in your fridge so when you apply it it's nice and cold.

Jun 29, 2014

Lily H.

@Bekah I thought I was the only one that did that hahaha.

Jun 29, 2014

Kaleigh D.

I wouldn't recommend using toner. Your skin will heal best and quicker if it is just left alone with the exception of aloe or lotions(:

Jun 29, 2014

katie s.

Agree with everyone who agrees with aloe Vera lol.. My ear actually scabbed over the sunburn bc we were outside all day for this thing my school does every year at the end of the year so I had to use aloe Vera to keep it cool and feel good! I can't answer the makeup thing bc that was the first time I burned bc I tan like brown tan except on my ears this time! (Sorry I was like really young in this pic and I look stupid but if you don't believe me I'm the one that's the most tan with really blonde hair lol!)

Jun 29, 2014

Bella M.

@Tiffany S. Use destine (diaper rash medicine) it has some ingredient that takes the burn right out. If you put on the burnt spots when you go to bed tonight in the morning everything should be cleared up.

Jul 1, 2014

Emily K.

Try noxema cream! You can get it at like walmart. It might sting slightly when you first put it on but it seriously works wonders.