Proactive should I buy it?


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Jun 28, 2014

Luna J.

Hey ladies,
Does proactive work and is it worth it?

Jun 28, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

It's alright, but I'd try The Body Shops Tea Tree Oil Skincare first. I hear much better things of this product over Proactive.

Jun 28, 2014

Arissa P.

No I wouldn't recommend it doesn't work for everyone for some people it gives them more acne and some people it just doesn't work. So try to go for a different acne fighter.

Jun 28, 2014

Luna J.

@katilyn I used that before and it my skin became dependent on it and it stopped working but I'm probably going to try that again

Jun 28, 2014

Luna J.

Yea that's what I heard @arissa and @jacqlyn my mom thought otherwise and I wasn't 100% on what I wanted to do.

Jun 28, 2014

Leslie N.

I used it and I started to have money problems so I stopped and it got worse after. Your skin starts to depend on it and you have to use it all your life practically

Jun 28, 2014

Valerie C.

It got rid of all of my blemishes, BUT after I stopped using it, my blemishes got worse and they all came back.

Jun 28, 2014

Carolina L.

No you shouldn't. It's horrible for your skin. It can burn it. Go for something else.

Jun 28, 2014

Ciciii C.

I'd say try something more natural.

Jun 28, 2014

Jessica N.

I guess I'm the only person that likes proactiv lol. I only use the first step though, the cleanser. And I use my own toner and moisturizer. I find proactiv steps 2 and 3 make my skin pretty oily so I only buy the cleanser.

Jun 28, 2014

Qwaserght T.

It didn't hurt my skin it just didn't help my acne at all.

Jun 29, 2014

Bella L.

No I don't suggest buying it I wasted so much of my money on it it did nothing skin but make it worse and my derm even said there Is really no ingredients that's are really meant to help your skin

Jun 29, 2014

Courtney J.

Oh no. It made my acne worse.

Jun 29, 2014

Olivia A.

I've heard that once you start using it your skin gets addicted to it and if you stop using it, it will make you break out.

Jun 29, 2014

Karen L.

I used it like 4 months & my skin was amazing but once I stopped my skin was worse than before :) try other natural solutions for you acne!

Jun 29, 2014

Mimi B.

No. It made my skin so much worse after I stopped using it. It's not worth the money and doesn't help acne any more than drugstore products do.

Jun 29, 2014

Emily M.

I love love love proactive.

Jun 30, 2014

Erica C.

Both my sister and I use Proactiv. Her skin is now absolutely flawless. I haven't been able to entirely clear up my acne but it does help.