How to get my eyelashes even?


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Jun 27, 2014

Stella L.

Whenever I put on mascara one of my eyelashes always looks fuller and more curly than the other. It never equals out and it's so annoying. Any tips on how to maybe fix or improve this?

Jun 27, 2014

Janet B.

I have the exact same problem! It's really annoying, and sadly I have no idea how to fix it.

Jun 27, 2014

Shaye M.

Following, mine do this too so :( worst thing, I hateeee it.

Jun 27, 2014

Sabrina K.

I honestly don't think you will ever get it 100% even, sorry :/ But nothing on us is exactly even, like I have more lashes on my right eye then I do on my left, not because the break or anything on the left, there's just fewer lashes.

Jun 28, 2014

Amy S.

Individual lash application... or go real ol skool...
Takes real steady hand, and time...
Between each coat, use a sewing needle to seperate each kash... combs , brushes, and spoolies never do the same time, and a needle...

Keep in mind,,, its sharpe metal, and its your eye... I shouldnt post this...

Also, after a coat of mascara, add a layer of black pigment, then more mascara... buikd it, comb it, seal it well... water proof...

Jun 28, 2014

Aru T.

I have the same problem as Sabrina. :) my left eye lashes points to different direction just at the middle. looks very funny to me...but I guess its just the way it is :)