Silly Makeup Photography Question.


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Jun 26, 2014

Bash H.

I don't know know where to put this...really it's a photography question but there's literally nowhere else that answers it...

How do you take closeup of your eye makeup? Like do you zoom in but then it loses pixels. Similar to like this one.

I know its an incredibly silly question but whenever I try taking pictures of just the eye makeup, it looks horrible!

Thank you!

Jun 26, 2014

Rachel S.

You need to be in good light to get a decent shot to start with - make sure the light source is pointing towards your face as opposed to you being in front of the light source otherwise you'll end up looking silhouetted. a lot of close-up shots are taken with a proper SLR camera and macro lens (I'm a photography student and used this for taking close-up shots of makeup plans for one of my shoots) - this will give you the best possible quality. if you're shooting it on a phone, get the camera as close to your face as possible to allow for better focussing - if you just zoom in or crop the image, you will lose a lot of quality.

Jun 26, 2014

Sevetria M.

I'm glad you asked that question because my phone takes the craziest pics.

Jun 26, 2014

Silvia O.

I personally use my Canon 600D and really, one of the most important thing is the lightning! Try to use natural light (I usually stand up in front of a window). I don't take my pics with my phone, but if you do try to keep your hand as still as possible. Also I wouldn't suggest zooming the pic (unless you're using a really good camera) as it can make it pretty blurry...just keep your phone really close to your eye or, even easier, take a regular pic and crop it :)